Mexican Nationalism Disguised as anti-Trump, anti-Racism Protests

  • DSK
  • 06-03-2016, 03:37 PM
Did you see all the Mexican people in San Diego with their Mexican flags waving and wrapped around themselves, pelting some white lady in a Trump shirt with an egg, & threatening her at Trump's San Diego rally?

In the background, someone was burning a US flag.

Don't delude yourselves into believing they are only protesting against Trump's alleged racism. They want to take over the land they believe was stolen from them.

They are burning the US flag that some of you on here fought and almost died for in our many wars.
It's called "Reconquista" and the COMMuNAZIs/mooselamos are helping the MEXICAN La Raza Reconquista the southwest. California is about gone ... BUILD that FUCKIN WALL, NOW!


1. The term for a war of "re" conquest of the United States, principally by chicanos and mestizos. It's a war fought by means of illegal immigration and resource depletion fueled by massive breeding of children in the target country, obligating local, state and federal social support systems to support the invading force.

2. A covert war fought by a nation of people too chickenshit to fight as open aggressors.
"Viva la Reconquista!" Miquel cried as he conceived his seventy-third anchor bastard.

La Raza

a civil rights advocacy group for Mexican-Americans
La Raza is to Mexican-Americans what the NAACP is to African-Americans

It's called "Reconquista" and the COMMuNAZIs/mooselamos are helping the MEXICAN La Raza Reconquista the southwest. California is about gone ... BUILD that FUCKIN WALL, NOW!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The current H.U.D. Secretary was raised by a mother that firmly believes in the Reconquista / La Raza movement and she has publicly espoused those positions. So have her sons, Julian Castro ( HUD Sec, ) and Joaquin Castro ( U.S. Rep for the 20th District of Texas ) . Both are hard core lyin liberal " progressives " that aim to do anything and everything to destroy " whitey " . H.U.D. , with obammy's gleeful blessing, is pushing a plan to " integrate " ALL subdivisions with lower income people as a " fairness " plan pushed by the lying liberal " progressives " ( who will remain living in THERI gated, restricted communities ) . Just as the lyin libs pushed the " affordable home ownership plan " that required that banks GIVE mortgages to people WITHOUT VISIBLE MENAS OF PAYING THE NOTE , this will be ANOTHER lying liberal debacle !
Any body see The Castro Brothers iof Texas's bat shit crazy old mother out there. She is all for giving most of the Southwest back to Mexico.

There is talk of picking Julian Castro as a VP candidate for Hillary. Trump would have a field day with that.
I'm sure these 0zombies will vote for the Benghazi Asesino...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is another word for people who won't allow free political speech, who are nationalists, who are violent, who believe in sharing the wealth, who believe that their race is superior, who believe in attacking the supporters of their percieved opposition.....they are called NAZIS. These are the Nuevo Nazis.

There is another word for people who won't allow free political speech, who are nationalists, who are violent, who believe in sharing the wealth, who believe that their race is superior, who believe in attacking the supporters of their percieved opposition.....they are called NAZIS. These are the Nuevo Nazis.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And their hearts will get broke when DJT builds the wall...
Watch some tyranny San Francisco style...
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2016, 09:32 PM
And their hearts will get broke when DJT builds the wall... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nuevo Nazis - good term!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this another "one, two, three...FUCK THE MEXICANS" thread?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this another "one, two, three...FUCK THE MEXICANS" thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no, you faggot .. "one, two three, deport them mex"

got that faggot?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You'll have the opportunity to go back to school and finish the GED when HRC is POTUS, WWE!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You'll have the opportunity to go back to school and finish the GED when HRC is POTUS, WWE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
go drop poop pig

LexusLover's Avatar
It's interesting all the hoopla about Trump saying that someone has "Mexican heritage" and hardly a peep about people in this country flying Mexican flags .....

... I wonder if my neighbors down the street who hang out their Mexican flag 2-3 times a year would be offended if I said they were "Mexicans" ... the people two doors down (actually the grown daughters of the widower) are here illegally from Mexico, I wonder if they would object to being called "Mexicans"!

This situational "ethnicity" and alleged cultural bias is ridiculous. People use their national/ethnic heritage to gain advantages in our society and government, then they whine when they are identified as such when they reveal a bias.

We have one in the White House. It's disgusting.
It's interesting all the hoopla about Trump saying that someone has "Mexican heritage" and hardly a peep about people in this country flying Mexican flags .....

... I wonder if my neighbors down the street who hang out their Mexican flag 2-3 times a year would be offended if I said they were "Mexicans" ... the people two doors down (actually the grown daughters of the widower) are here illegally from Mexico, I wonder if they would object to being called "Mexicans"!

This situational "ethnicity" and alleged cultural bias is ridiculous. People use their national/ethnic heritage to gain advantages in our society and government, then they whine when they are identified as such when they reveal a bias.

We have one in the White House. It's disgusting. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just like those with " situational sexuality " ( EKIM The Inbred Chimp and assup piggy mamboolah ) that work their areas' gloryholes, then scream on here about being "outed " for their " charitable foundation " and " therapeutic works to the community " .