Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 3 points in Florida

Florida is now becoming a blue state! Look at this:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Florida is a blue state. It was a blue state when Jeb stole it for Dubya.
  • DSK
  • 06-04-2016, 09:42 AM
Fuck, I don't know what you people are worried about. The country is going to be less than 50% white soon, with all the privilege, responsibilities, and obligations thereto appertaining.

You fuckers will win all the elections, and you can kill the white people at will.

Have fun motherfucker. I'll be shooting back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Florida is now becoming a blue state! Look at this:

http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/...nts-in-florida Originally Posted by SassySue

Didn't Florida vote for Obama? Thats means that Sassy is, once again, a day late and a dollar short. You may learn sometime that political polls are pretty meaningless unless they show a long term trend. Kind of like the guy who is telling someone that "these are my last words" as he lay dying. No, wait! These are really my last words...hold on, not them. These are really my last words... A poll is only as good as when it is finished but not published.
flghtr65's Avatar
Florida is now becoming a blue state! Look at this:

http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/...nts-in-florida Originally Posted by SassySue
In terms of the Electoral College Florida is really a "swing" state that appears to be staying Blue right now. Florida was red when Bush43 won it twice and turned Blue when Obama won it twice. In another thread that you posted Trump was behind Clinton in 8 of the 10 polls listed. It's a pretty good chance that Florida will stay blue. If Trump loses Florida he will lose. There is no way for Trump to get to 270 without Florida, and that is assuming he wins all the Red states that Mitt won.
In terms of the Electoral College Florida is really a "swing" state that appears to be staying Blue right now. Florida was red when Bush43 won it twice and turned Blue when Obama won it twice. In another thread that you posted Trump was behind Clinton in 8 of the 10 polls listed. It's a pretty good chance that Florida will stay blue. If Trump loses Florida he will lose. There is no way for Trump to get to 270 without Florida, and that is assuming he wins all the Red states that Mitt won. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Lets do this mathematically. If Florida is a swing state, what color would a swing state be? If you combine Red and Blue that equals purple. Swing states are purple. Florida is a swing state. Florida is purple, purple is a fag color. Fags vote Democratic. Simple math, lol.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That was just fucking brilliant!
That was just fucking brilliant! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently, this poll was organized and published BEFORE ..


Like the "other Clinton" administration, the current administration (which also included Clinton) "enjoyed" a Spring Economic Downturn, which doesn't take much in the over-talked economic BOOM we've "enjoyed" under the Obaminable-Clinton administration for the past 8 years (remember Hillarious-No-More has been bragging lately about providing Obaminable advice during his reign).
LexusLover's Avatar
Fags vote Democratic. Simple math, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Austin-Travis County seem to prove your point.

And they seem to prefer to vote for ugly women, especially if they are drunks!