12blue4u's Avatar
We have put up with him long enough. He now seems to approve of violence against women.
Shit if i can get threatened to be banned for revealing questionable ROS on here what does it take to get this piece of shit banned. HEY NO BALLS MODS I AM TALKING TO YOU.
But you know who will probably get a demerit and be sanctioned on here ME. Because no one says NO to the bullshit misogyny of some idiots on here. Hell I got demerits for calling out a dude saying a certain female running for president should be killed. This place is tolerates the most misogynistic men I have ever heard comments from.
And they tolerate Huskerman.
I dealt with NVA i can deal with all of you.
Blue, don't know you from a hill of beans ... but you seem to be outta sorts lately. The KK thread, etc. I know from here you recently had health issues, so hope you doing well. But you gotta learn to let it go. Huskerman is a troll. A Dick of the worst sort. Everyone knows it. He's a Dick. He says shit to just piss people off ,,, must make him feel good about himself or something. Yea, maybe he can't get it up anymore and it makes him feel better to put other people down. Whatever ... don't give him the satisfaction of knowing he got to you ... just let it go. He ain't worth getting riled up about. Let it go. Just my 2ct.
Please don't lump all the users with Huskerman together. I may have to change my handle now. Huskerman3469
Don't worry, Huskerman3469. In a single sentence you have demonstrated more lucidity than the FuskerTroll could ever hope do.

I agree with Blue's statement. That Husker troll continues to try to derail postings, even serious ones like my recent one, just to do what, I can't really determine.

But Blue is also right in that FuskerAss is mocking and slighting an attack against a woman. Give that stupid fucker the Death Sentence on here and ban him. He does just literally waste bandwidth.
Rocknroll21's Avatar
Blue, don't know you from a hill of beans ... but you seem to be outta sorts lately. The KK thread, etc. I know from here you recently had health issues, so hope you doing well. But you gotta learn to let it go. Huskerman is a troll. A Dick of the worst sort. Everyone knows it. He's a Dick. He says shit to just piss people off ,,, must make him feel good about himself or something. Yea, maybe he can't get it up anymore and it makes him feel better to put other people down. Whatever ... don't give him the satisfaction of knowing he got to you ... just let it go. He ain't worth getting riled up about. Let it go. Just my 2ct. Originally Posted by husker_do
I don't think it matters if he meant it or was being a troll. Someone posted a warning for the ladies and his response, at a minimum, communicates indifference towards misogyny. Troll or not, the message is that being indifferent, if not approving of, violence against women is OK in this community.

Not to mention the fact that this site exists so that we can all help keep one another safe. I'm sure all the ladies care. And all the true hobbyists, that recognize these women as people deserving just as much respect as any other person, care that they are safe too.

Not everyone knows or believes huskerman is a troll. Some will see his statements as confirmation that it is OK to have that sort of attitude about women. It shouldn't be tolerated or ignored. It should be called out as unacceptable.
12blue4u's Avatar
Sir Thomas More: "Not so. Not so, Master Secretary. The maxim is "Qui tacet consentire": the maxim of the law is "Silence gives consent". If therefore you wish to construe what my silence betokened, you must construe that I consented, not that I denied."

"A Man for All Seasons" They beheaded him for being silent.

To not say anything implies complicity on all of us.

Thx MP and RnR21
I don't think it matters if he meant it or was being a troll. Someone posted a warning for the ladies and his response, at a minimum, communicates indifference towards misogyny. Troll or not, the message is that being indifferent, if not approving of, violence against women is OK in this community.

Not to mention the fact that this site exists so that we can all help keep one another safe. I'm sure all the ladies care. And all the true hobbyists, that recognize these women as people deserving just as much respect as any other person, care that they are safe too.

Not everyone knows or believes huskerman is a troll. Some will see his statements as confirmation that it is OK to have that sort of attitude about women. It shouldn't be tolerated or ignored. It should be called out as unacceptable. Originally Posted by Rocknroll21

Well said R&R, I yield the floor.

Mods ... lots of votes here to ban the troll huskerman immediately for opinions that promote violence against women and for being a threat to the safety of our community.

Blue ... wasn't really ragging on you but apologies non the less. Good call.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Members are not banned by a vote from the other members on the site. There is a point system that is used to moderate member's behavior and compliance on the board towards the guidelines of the board. When something that anyone is posted goes beyond those guidelines then action as determined is made.

If we banned everyone on this board that was a troll or posted something you think is unacceptable then there would be a lot of folks banned on this site. If you see a comment by any member that you deem unacceptable then RTM them using the red triangle with the exclamation mark in it. Tell us what you deem to be the rule violation and we will go from there. We handle each situation individually. It is NOT our intent to ban members even though that does become needed some times.
Banning Husker man is not the answer here. He has a constitutional right to post whatever opinion he holds. The way to handle this is post his comments so all the Providers see his endorsement of violence against women...they can handle it from there.
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
If he were banned he would just set up another account 5 mins later. I wouldn't be surprised if he already had more than one account.
He has a constitutional right to post whatever opinion he holds. Originally Posted by Plutarch
No, he doesn't. The First Amendment to The Constitution applies to Government and our interactions with it. It most certainly does not apply to a privately owned forum. ECCIE has a litany of things we shall not talk about, from underage people to drug use.
I will further state that I thought we were to avoid intentional harmful or attacking statements to other members of the community.

Fuskertroll does nothing but attack any and everyone all the time. This is not an isolated incident.

It's not a matter of public voting by members here or whatever, it's by his very own actions. To allow him to continue to post here, or even with another account from the same IP address, then I suggest as Blue so eloquently states above that Eccie is condoning the very same aggressive statement/actions against members.
The ignore function works wonders as well
The ignore function works wonders as well Originally Posted by Kay2Day
And the lady wins again!!!!!!

You are exactly right Kay2Day, I just ignore him, easier than anything else to do.
burkalini's Avatar
He's a five pound turd. Let him drop and then flush him. Not worth a single thought.