# 2: Using the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and organizations that oppose his corrupt regime.
# 3: Using the Justice Deparment to intimidate the press by seizing phone records in violation of federal law and wire tapping individual reporters writing negative stories about Obama.
Submitted for your approval; The Gibson Guitar company was raided at gun point by federal law enforcement officials for using exotic woods that Gibson has been using for years complete with all paperwork. The same wood that other guitar makers use. It's just that Gibson has donated money to the GOP and the other major players donate money to the democrats.
Or how about Secretary of Health Kathleen Sibelius requesting, suggesting, asking for donations (shaking down) from the companies that will be overseen by Obamacare in violation of federal campaign laws.
Sibelius was a major recipient of donations from notorious abortionist George Tiller when she was running for and serving as governor of Kansas.
So who will be number 4 and who will get honorable mention?