Which will be scandal number 4

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
# 1: Benghazi where the president sits on his hands and allows Americans to die. Then he concocts a bullshit story to protect his reputation while he jets off for a fund raiser.

# 2: Using the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and organizations that oppose his corrupt regime.

# 3: Using the Justice Deparment to intimidate the press by seizing phone records in violation of federal law and wire tapping individual reporters writing negative stories about Obama.

Submitted for your approval; The Gibson Guitar company was raided at gun point by federal law enforcement officials for using exotic woods that Gibson has been using for years complete with all paperwork. The same wood that other guitar makers use. It's just that Gibson has donated money to the GOP and the other major players donate money to the democrats.

Or how about Secretary of Health Kathleen Sibelius requesting, suggesting, asking for donations (shaking down) from the companies that will be overseen by Obamacare in violation of federal campaign laws.

Sibelius was a major recipient of donations from notorious abortionist George Tiller when she was running for and serving as governor of Kansas.

So who will be number 4 and who will get honorable mention?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The more correct question is "Which will be scandal number 5?": "Fast and Furious" is still an unresolved issue.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You could be right. Sounds like a song; Scandal Number Five
Three jerk offs jerking off.
If the lapdog media would do their jobs. We would be on scandal #25.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If the media had done its job we woudn't be worried about Senator Obama but worried about President McCains health. Would he get better or do we just accept that Sarah Palin is going to be more than acting president. A pretty good acting president as well. She led that raid into Syria to capture Assad. She also personally pulled the trigger on Usama. Obama kvetched after his wife left him for Anthony Weiner but he will probably recover from his sex addiction.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This forum should be renamed from the Sandbox to the Circle Jerk.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Three jerk offs jerking off. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ekim the Inbred, you're one inbred, hayseed-fuck that daily demonstrates your defective genetic limitations. Learn how to count, you genetically defective inbred, otherwise your weak attempts at insults will always be more laughable than they are stinging!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But what about Mark Sanford? maybe that ought to be Scandal #1.

How a turd tasting, trash-talking redneck from the backwoods refuses to stand behind his own blather and won't own up to his own deceit.

Im not talking about Sanford. At least he admitted he was derelict in his service to the people of SC after losing his job. and he has a real vocabulary...

Im talking about... Well I think you know.
I B Hankering's Avatar
But what about Mark Sanford? maybe that ought to be Scandal #1.

How a turd tasting, trash-talking redneck from the backwoods refuses to stand behind his own blather and won't own up to his own deceit.

Im not talking about Sanford. At least he admitted he was derelict in his service to the people of SC after losing his job. and he has a real vocabulary...

Im talking about... Well I think you know. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That you should 'fantasize' so is why your dumb golem ass needs to remediate, you dumb-fuck golem reprobate.

Gibson admitted violating federal law regarding the importation of Brazilian rosewood a couple of months ago. Paid a fine and the charges were dropped. You'll have to conjur up another "scandal"......
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-29-2013, 05:03 PM
Don't forget the whole birth certificate thing.
Oh, they haven't.....that's always the fall-back position.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm so embarrassed at you asshats that call yourselves conservatives. How can any of you possibly think there are 4 or 5 scandals with this admin.

We are up to about 48. Get it right.
Four ?????????????

You left out Pigford and Fast N Furious...............there are more.................and it looks like the Asst. DA from Arizona (Dennis Burke, an Obama appointee), who lied in the Fast N Furious scandal is going to be prosecuted for lying under oath and retaliating against the whistleblower!

The most corrupt and dishonest Presidency in modern American history.