Ivermectin, Wonder Drug, strikes again.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-29-2021, 04:06 PM
One more tally on Trump's legacy.


But COVID only kills the old. It's no worse than a cold. Just swig some Ivrmectin or bleach and you'll be immune.

Another Zombie follows the Pide Piper to a sad demise.

But I am sure the brilliant posters here will spin it as a Biden plot, an Obama plot, or a Commie Pinko Subversive plot.
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 05:49 PM
When One is a physician - One can post that nonsense
O/W - Old tart - One has no credibility
Or Sense.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-29-2021, 07:09 PM
  • Tiny
  • 08-29-2021, 08:17 PM
Chung Tran posted a link to the San Angelo gentleman's situation a few days ago. Sorry to hear he passed away.

Try this Google search and you'll get a list a mile long of anti vaxxers who died from COVID. The disease, not the vaccine.


I don't think it's fair to say this was on Trump's legacy Old-T. He has consistently encouraged people to get vaccinated, and he pushed the FDA to grant the emergency use authorizations in record time. The fact that some Trump supporters fear the vaccines is a sad irony.
It appears that Caleb Wallace was ate up with the Dumb Ass.
  • Tiny
  • 08-29-2021, 09:23 PM
It appears that Caleb Wallace was ate up with the Dumb Ass. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Easy to say if you're bullet proof like Jackie S. You had COVID AND also got vaccinated, right? Then you should have more immunity than most of the rest of us, who only got one or the other.
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 05:50 AM
Tiny - we do not know the effects of vaccination on those with acquired immunity.

The reaon I have not been vaccinated.

i await - Hopefully - studies

If teh ideology Uber alles fiden CDC will permit such studies.

The CDC has turned 'woke' - and ismore concerned with using proper approved terminology and pronouns than science these days.

Typical fiden bureaucracy and idiotology
you fool, if it were not for Trump we wold not have a vaccination approved today.
bambino's Avatar
Chung Tran posted a link to the San Angelo gentleman's situation a few days ago. Sorry to hear he passed away.

Try this Google search and you'll get a list a mile long of anti vaxxers who died from COVID. The disease, not the vaccine.


I don't think it's fair to say this was on Trump's legacy Old-T. He has consistently encouraged people to get vaccinated, and he pushed the FDA to grant the emergency use authorizations in record time. The fact that some Trump supporters fear the vaccines is a sad irony. Originally Posted by Tiny

You can also google vaccinated people who have died of Covid. A friend of mine in Miami spent 6 weeks in the ICU. He died Saturday. He was fully vaccinated. 62yrs old.
texassapper's Avatar
What's funny is that because a guy who was anti mask dies, you think it validates your position... but when a guy that supported teh jabs dies from it... it's not a significant number of deaths. LOL... yeah not significant to you!! But it was to an otherwise healthy person.

You'll note the guy that died was a fatbody, so there's the comorbidity...

Maybe since Dr's are refusing to treat people who haven't gotten thee jab, restaurants should stop feeding fat people?
bambino's Avatar
��16-year-old football player at Westwood High School in Memphis who was FULLY VACCINATED dies days after contracting COVID-19, according to a family report..

Prayers to his family����

Join @jSolomonReports
bambino's Avatar
Dr Peter McCullough – “The failed mass Covid-19 vaccination programme will go down as one of the most deadly in history”

Israel was one of the first countries to mass vaccinate its population under an agreement with Pfizer.

Eighty percent of adults are fully vaccinated there, yet Covid-19 cases and serious hospitalisations have risen 20-fold since early July with more than 80% of new cases reported by the Israeli Health Ministry among vaccinated individuals.

In the United Kingdom, more than three-quarters of the adult population (76 percent) have received two doses of a Covid-19 injection and almost 90 percent of adults have received at least one dose. Yet, the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalised has soared sevenfold since early June this year.

The most recent U.K. report on “variants of concern” published by Public Health England revealed that 58% of Covid-19 deaths are among the fully vaccinated, with that number rising to 67% when including those who had received a single dose of a Covid-19 injection.

That data, McCullough said, “is basically showing that the vaccines are failing.”

Covid-19, no matter what the variant, is easily treatable at home with simple, available drugs, according to McCullough, who has stated that “about 88 percent of hospitalisations and deaths can be avoided” with early treatment.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How anyone can deny ivermectin after what it did for India is a bit mind boggling. They crushed Covid in 2 weeks for $3 a person.
texassapper's Avatar
How anyone can deny ivermectin after what it did for India is a bit mind boggling. They crushed Covid in 2 weeks for $3 a person. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Because democrat voters are mostly ignorant stooges that vote based on what they see on tiktok or what the press tells them to think. They can't think for themselves.. if they could they might figure out that there are cheap alternatives to the jab and that since they already existed the EUA really isn't fulfilled... (can't have an existing alternative therapy). So because of their willful ignorance they would prefer to get an experimental biological injection..

Stupid democrats.
  • Tiny
  • 08-30-2021, 09:50 AM
Because democrat voters are mostly ignorant stooges that vote based on what they see on tiktok or what the press tells them to think. They can't think for themselves.. if they could they might figure out that there are cheap alternatives to the jab and that since they already existed the EUA really isn't fulfilled... (can't have an existing alternative therapy). So because of their willful ignorance they would prefer to get an experimental biological injection..

Stupid democrats. Originally Posted by texassapper
According to this poll, back in June 52% of Republicans had gotten vaccinated and 6% planned to get vaccinated,


President Trump and Melania got the vaccine, and encourage others to. Do you think they're stupid?