Only creeps or she looking in wrong places and clarifying?.

Ripmany's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe she is stuck with only being eyed by certain men. We can't go into a forbidden topic though she is of age. Some men like that and if they don't treat her like a little girl and she has feelings for them...I don't see the problem.
Ripmany's Avatar
She insisted on all the adult vices vs adult smart behavior. I know to many chicks that instead on think doing adult vices is maturity. Cuz really irresponsibility. She smokes drinks, get tattoos, go bar and take poll dancing at guy. Real adult don't do any of this stuff only unground up college kids. Maybe if one ack like a adult she will be treated like a adult.
Is it just a stature thing, Has she developed breast, does she have a menstrual cycle.?
txdot-guy's Avatar
People get profiled for all sorts of reasons. short, tall, fat, thin, etc. etc. She's just going to have to learn to deal with other peoples bullshit.