Presidential Handicap

... G'day - those who love the links,

So the famous "Golf Digest" has put together its
table of BEST President golfers - and of course
you fellows can guess who is the BEST - President TRUMP! ...

... With a better 'andicap than ALL others.

'Course I'm thinking that Kamala is Biden's handicap.
OR is Biden really Kamala's?? ...

... But the facts are in - and TRUMP is the Best
golfer of the lot...

... As I've mentioned before - Trump surely got
something like EIGHT (8) hole-in-ones!!! ...

Some of 'em when He was out on the links alone...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
orange man is a handicap. he couldnt walk from one green to another.
orange man is a handicap. he couldnt walk from one green to another. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You have to admit his game is “up to par”.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s like a bogey who fell out of someone’s nose.

Great topic, Mate, and I say that with all due respect,

Ought to be in a different forum.
... There, there, mate... You're much too kind...

... I put it here 'cause they ranked the handicaps of
The Presidents... you know... "Political"...

Where didja want me to post it - in the Trump fo---

... CRIKEY! ... What a GREAT Idea! ...

Lemme check-with the Monitours 'round here. Maybe Trump
should have His-own forum!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I recognize that many folks are passionate about Golf, just as many are passionate about Bridge. This may be a negative comment on my own psyche (or something), but I just can't get excited about either.

In the end, the discussion may be fun, but none of these matters. For however much any of us would wish otherwise: President Trump will not run for a second term, and neither will President Bidem. VP Harris couldn't make the cut during the 2020 primaries and can't for '24.

Whether or not any of us think Mr. Trump or Stacy Abrams were cheated out of the presidency or governorship, its been over and don with. The 2020 election is in the Club House.

And the personalities really don't matter quite as much as policy and action. Immigration, economics and crime, among many other things, are on the ballot for 2022 and '24 this fall.

Talk is cheap. Register, then vote.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You see Salty, icu812 made a very pithy and relevant statement about politics.

You made this thread about golf.

Wrong forum.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I never saw the thrill in wacking a little ball into a hole, but have friends who live for it. They’ll take off work if there’s a nice day in winter. I’d rather go quad riding.

@icu. I think you’re wrong about Trump not running. It seems a near certainty that he’s going to.
ICU 812's Avatar

Thanks for that.

Will Ms. Clinton run?