Inflation and Depression

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Are they both here?


I don't think anyone can disagree on the inflation thing.
(but this is the eccie political forum so have at it)

Here's a key factor:
Auto repos are up. Yes up.
There should be news items on that popping up whereever.

But in the real world. Direct info from a few KC area tow outfits:

Open group convo: WTF, Bank X wants how many scheduled to pick up? Where's the paperwork? Incomplete? That's a no fly. Full paperwork? That many? Damn, maybe one a day. What, they'll go to another tow outfit? Fine, clearly they don't know that we all know each other, and use each others rigs.

More real world data: These all go through the auctions, prices there are way up. So...

More open group convo: Everyone remember that court case several years ago where bank had to buy vehicle back and give it back? And pay all costs. OK, everyone agree there's some we won't touch no matter how much bank squeals? Right, meeting over. Who wants to keep the bar tab running?

Everyone votes yes, even the paper shuffle advisor guy who's gonna get stuck for that.