Activate Old Account... Mods whats going on?

I contacted 2 mods already about reactivating my old account, no response at all.

Whats going on Mods? To busy or what?
Guest010619's Avatar
Try being a mod
tia travels's Avatar
Don't know if you contacted a mod in a major metropolis, but sometimes I pick mods in smaller areas that I assume wouldn't be as swamped. You might've gotten a quicker response.

If after a week & no response from a mod or two, try going up a notch to an "admin".
Plus, there is always that little "Contact Us" form below that you can click on. It goes straight to the admin.
adiosamigo's Avatar
Send an email, they respond fairly quickly. Know that they are volunteers, they don't get paid for any of this shit.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-25-2016, 06:56 PM
You may contact the Admins directly by using the Contact Us link located in the Main Menu on the left of the Main Page or by email at