Moving to town. Need a place to live

Just exploring different opinions from different places. I am moving to town soon and just want to know where are the good apartments or house rentals are. which property management places to avoid. Anywhere within 30 minutes of driving is good. Price range is about 500 a month or less. Thanks!
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
$500 per month or less..... ummmmm.......

Red Carpet is bouts all I can think of.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hope op likes camping
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
It really depends on where you need to go every day. This general area is comprised of three cities- Albany, Schenectady and Troy. Saratoga is not far away, so there are a lot of choices. If you're looking for $500 a month, however, those choices become much more limited. You might be able to find something in one of the cities for that, but it isn't going to be the Ritz.
$500 in Saratoga? No Shot... more like $500/week, and that's year-round
$500 a month won't get you anything around here that isn't a share-type situation. Even rentals in the most downtrodden areas of Lansingburgh or Schenectady cost more than that. Sorry to disappoint.
For a solo person in not a sketchy area, you'll need more like $700/Mo. in Albany
I think you're going to have to look for roommates if you're looking for something decent at that pricepoint