Kamala on Prostitution

"And um I take it very seriously but we should not be criminalizing women who are engaged in consensual um opportunities for employment. But we should definitely be careful and be sure that they are not being trafficked or abused in any way."
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 10:24 PM
She was one of the people who shut down Backpage and fucked over the owners who were doing their best to help law enforcement to STOP trafficking:


She put providers behind bars and fought against decriminalizing prostitution between consenting adults:


She's not a friend to our hobby.
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 11:30 PM
I ran across this too. Now she's changed her position somewhat. She wants to put people like you and me in jail but not providers:


This also says she aggressively raided Asian massage parlors. She opposed removing criminal penalties for prostitution. And she wanted to impound clients cars.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
She was adamantly against Prop K, in California in 2008, that would have decriminalized.
Also Cosponsor of SESTA/FOSTA
It's political suicide to not back legislation on anything protecting kids. I'm surprised she said this, maybe with the unemployment rate the way it is she changed her stance?
rexdutchman's Avatar
woman can do what they want yeah okay ,,,
  • Tiny
  • 10-10-2020, 08:20 AM
It's political suicide to not back legislation on anything protecting kids. I'm surprised she said this, maybe with the unemployment rate the way it is she changed her stance? Originally Posted by royamcr
Take a look at the Spectator article I linked to. Yes, she wants to decriminalize prostitution, but only for the prostitutes. Again, she wants to lock you and me up and hang us out to dry.
adav8s28's Avatar
She was one of the people who shut down Backpage and fucked over the owners who were doing their best to help law enforcement to STOP trafficking:


She put providers behind bars and fought against decriminalizing prostitution between consenting adults:


She's not a friend to our hobby. Originally Posted by Tiny
The republicans aren't a friend to our hobby either.

To avoid problems with LE, screen.

Never see anyone who has not been verified or does not have any reviews. If this is too time consuming then move to one of the seven legal counties in Nevada.
texassapper's Avatar
The republicans aren't a friend to our hobby either. Originally Posted by adav8s28
That's the point though.. libtards think because she has a vagina and isn't pale that she's down with the hookers. She's not.

This broad has NO principles except power. She will do and or say anything for it.... even suck some dick.

At least Biden was too busy trying to enrich his family to do too much damage to the Republic. In that respect greed is better than ambition. Karmela... she's a dangerous but stupid broad.
adav8s28's Avatar
That's the point though.. libtards think because she has a vagina and isn't pale that she's down with the hookers. She's not.

This broad has NO principles except power. She will do and or say anything for it.... even suck some dick.

At least Biden was too busy trying to enrich his family to do too much damage to the Republic. In that respect greed is better than ambition. Karmela... she's a dangerous but stupid broad. Originally Posted by texassapper
Trump is the dangerous one.

Who cares that Harris got rid of backpage. Nothing but below average looking girls mixed in with LE setting up stings. Backpage was just as bad as Listcrawler.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why is Trump the dangerous one? It seems that he obeys the constitution which is probably the most important character a politician should have. He is not spying on reporters like Obama, he is not using the IRS on political enemies like Obama. He is not using government resources to destroy personal enemies like Clinton. So why do you think Trump is dangerous?
adav8s28's Avatar
Why is Trump the dangerous one? It seems that he obeys the constitution which is probably the most important character a politician should have. He is not spying on reporters like Obama, he is not using the IRS on political enemies like Obama. He is not using government resources to destroy personal enemies like Clinton. So why do you think Trump is dangerous? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Obama had nothing to due with the IRS and the tax exempt status (or lack of) for political groups on the right. The director who was running that was FIRED immediately.

We do know that Don Jr took/attended that meeting with the Russians in Trump tower to fix the 2016 election. When he discovered the Russians had the same the goal and had already started he just sat back and let it happen.

Trump Sr. is dangerous because he completely mishandled a pandemic.

It's just one guy from China
We have 16 cases and they will go to zero soon.
Like magic CV19 will just disappear.
When the snow starts to melt in April the virus will go dorment.
Maybe the doctors can inject disinfectant into a CV19 patient to CLEAR the virus.

I won't mention the things he said to Bob Woodward!

Trump Sr is dangerous!!!
texassapper's Avatar
Trump is the dangerous one. Originally Posted by adav8s28
He's been President for 4 years. We started any wars lately? Invaded for OIL? You think the libtards would love the guy. How was business before COVID hit? You getting enough cash?

Who cares that Harris got rid of backpage. Nothing but below average looking girls mixed in with LE setting up stings. Backpage was just as bad as Listcrawler. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I don't know I used it.. never had any trouble never got arrested. Did you? maybe you just weren't that smart...
texassapper's Avatar
Obama had nothing to due with the IRS and the tax exempt status (or lack of) for political groups on the right. The director who was running that was FIRED immediately. Originally Posted by adav8s28
LOL...you desperately need to educate yourself.

We do know that Don Jr took/attended that meeting with the Russians in Trump tower to fix the 2016 election. When he discovered the Russians had the same the goal and had already started he just sat back and let it happen. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You have heard that the whole Russia gate thing has been debunked right? I mean you KNOW that Comey the head of the FBI said there was NO EVIDENCE that Trump was working with the Russians? I mean he told that to Obama in 2017! JFC. It was a hoax concocted by Hillary to prevent anyone looking at her emails. JFC.. the DNC server was NEVER hacked. Seth Rich downloaded the shit and gave it to Julian Assange. Thats why he was murdered. Crowdstrike a Democrat funded company claimed the server was hacked. The FBI never looked at it and have stated, we have no evidence that it was ever compromised.

It was all a lie. Which you apparently bought and still believe.

Read a little FFS.

Trump Sr. is dangerous because he completely mishandled a pandemic. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Should he have been racist sooner and locked everything down sooner? What should he have done different? Since there is no cure, you understand that there is NO solution to this problem other than to let nature do what its going to do.

Do you realize if you're under 50 and not a fattie, your chance of dying is the same as dying from the flu...right?

It's just one guy from China
We have 16 cases and they will go to zero soon.
Like magic CV19 will just disappear.
When the snow starts to melt in April the virus will go dorment.
Maybe the doctors can inject disinfectant into a CV19 patient to CLEAR the virus.

I won't mention the things he said to Bob Woodward!
Trump Sr is dangerous!!! Originally Posted by adav8s28
I'd bother refuting the rest and pointing out that most of what you just posted has already been debunked but you should just try starting with the link about the IRS and then maybe the FBI report on the Russiagate BS would be a good followup for you.

Staying ignorant is a choice. choose wisely.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I couldn't have said it better but I would add the spying on reporters like Sheryl Atkinson.