eccie, wth?

this post is surely going to get deleted or get me banned but it's been a couple weeks since i've stopped by and i see eccie has made some changes. 25% of the home page links are to advertisers and a greater percentage of page real estate is for ads that take users away from

has anyone else noticed this? eccie is free for the most part but it should balance free content that users come here for with paid content eccie needs to survive. i haven't even been able to find (yet) how to search for a provider - where the hell did that go?

are there any other forums that connect us?
Johnny4455's Avatar
Why would we delete this post? I could delete it because it appeared you posted it twice, but I think I will just leave it. I see in the duplicate post another member answered your question.

I've been on this board for awhile. Lots of good information here for the hobbyist. Lots of opportunity for the providers.

You won't find another forum for kc as active as this one is. I think for most of us, if you learn how to use the site it works well. Maybe not perfect, but it works well, imo.
In order for the site to stay free for the ladies and those men who don't want to pay for PA, there needs to be money coming in from somewhere to keep the site live. This site isn't free for the owner, he still needs to pay people to update it, pay to fix it, etc.

The search providers button is still where it has been and so is the general "search" button. Both are located directly above the "Current users online."

I honestly haven't noticed a changed, but then again I know what forums I want to read, so I go directly there.

I will say, none of us should look a gift horse in the mouth. The site listens to what people have to say, but in the end......its his site and he can design it the way he wants.
His screen might look like mine....some of the headings are missing...
Browse Showcase, Chat, etc.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
this post is surely going to get deleted or get me banned but it's been a couple weeks since i've stopped by and i see eccie has made some changes. 25% of the home page links are to advertisers and a greater percentage of page real estate is for ads that take users away from

has anyone else noticed this? eccie is free for the most part but it should balance free content that users come here for with paid content eccie needs to survive. i haven't even been able to find (yet) how to search for a provider - where the hell did that go?

are there any other forums that connect us? Originally Posted by notswilson
Possibly because you're either not very observant or you just are dazzled by the advertisements.

However, if you scroll to the top of the page, there is a "Search Providers" link there.
Right next to it is the "Browse Showcases" link--which I find quite helpful.

And if you look hard enough, I'm sure you can find ladies who are posting weekly and weekend advertisements for this area, as well as reviews for providers who have been seen in this area.

Happy hunting my friend.

if drunk, dumb, or not very observant are my only three options, i'll take drunk. though i'm definitely sober now and don't see the "search providers" link that used to be there.

i suppose instead of abstract thinking, quippy insults are easier.
GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
So what exactly do you see where you should be seeing the "Search Providers" Link? Is it like LeilaniBebe posted or are you seeing the following tabs, "Home, Members, FAQ, Disclaimer, Search, New Posts. User CP, Log Out"?

It looks like LeilaniBebe is using a cell phone and that is most likely why it is having trouble loading.

If it looks like I described above then you just need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the browser and click the drop down menu on the left side and switch the Style you are using to something other than "--". If you are seeing something else the best way to avoid drama would be to tell us exactly what you are seeing.
JT's Avatar
  • JT
  • 05-03-2014, 05:52 AM
if drunk, dumb, or not very observant are my only three options, i'll take drunk. though i'm definitely sober now and don't see the "search providers" link that used to be there.

i suppose instead of abstract thinking, quippy insults are easier. Originally Posted by notswilson
If you're using Internet Explorer click on tools, then click compatibility view settings, and click add.
algrace's Avatar
be sure to try the mobile site, too
JCM800's Avatar
i haven't even been able to find (yet) how to search for a provider - where the hell did that go? Originally Posted by notswilson
Top of page...

Left of page...

If you aren't seeing the search options ...maybe try a different browser.
i am using safari and that's the issue. when i use firefox, i get what LeilaniBebe posted. minus the tablet desktop stuff.

i don't have anywhere to post an image but it's a completely different header. it's blue instead of purple and the eccie logo is different. the navigation items across the top are: home, members, faq, disclaimer, search, new posts, user cp, and log out. the navigation on the left is only:
» Homepage
» Forum Home
» Left Column
» Subscription Message Test
» Forum Home2
» Forum
> User CP
» Affairs Club

i've always used safari - that's not different. i haven't even tried it in explorer, it may work but it explorer doesn't play well with mac. firefox at least has the navigation, even if it's invisible until you roll the mouse over it.

so we figured it out - kind of. thank you. unless you were a jerk, then piss off.
givemeliberty - that worked. thank you.
pmdelites's Avatar
wrt "i haven't even been able to find (yet) how to search for a provider - where the hell did that go? "

thx to leilani for taking a screenshot and showing what the header looks like for some people.

however, just cos they are "missing" does NOT mean they are not there!
for some reason, some browsers dont show the text for those links; it just shows a white area [where the greeninsh arrow is pointing in leilani's screenshot].

if you're on a desktop or laptop, just move the cursor over that white area and "Magic Occurs" and you can see the text. here's what i see when i do that.

if you're on a tablet or a phone, just press that area and maybe you'll get lucky.
i've found that the eccie mobile site is good for getting to the info quickly, but less friendly for exploring and previewing things.

wrt ads, yep, the owner is renting/leasing web page real estate.
if you dont like all those ads, ignore them or use another escort/provider website.

have a deliteful day.

His screen might look like mine....some of the headings are missing...
Browse Showcase, Chat, etc.
Originally Posted by LeilaniBebe