Morning Joe' on Impeachment: 'Are We Really Pretending a Case Has to Be Made?' (Video)

  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2021, 09:26 AM

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough believes that when it comes to former president Donald Trump's guilt in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, there isn't room for much debate.
On Friday's "Morning Joe," Scarborough questioned how senators, who now face the task of voting on whether or not to convict the reality star turned president, could come to any other conclusion, asking, "Are we really pretending a case has to be made?"
The case has been made all week as House impeachment managers have presented compilations of footage from the riot that left five dead, including a Capitol police officer. Two other responding officers died by suicide in the following days, bringing the total of associated deaths to seven, while many others sustained injuries. The footage, some of which had been seen before and some of which was brand-new, showed officers under attack and how close, at times, the mob got to lawmakers like Sen. Mitt Romney and former vice president Mike Pence.

Video: Trump reportedly knew of danger to Pence during Capitol riot (MSNBC)

Current Time 0:02

Duration 4:08
Trump reportedly knew of danger to Pence during Capitol riot

Also read: Hannity Falsely Claims BLM Protesters 'Attacked' White House Last Summer (Video)
"Everybody that was watching yesterday, every one of these senators, they all know the basics. They know that that mob came to Washington, D.C., because of one person," Scarborough said. "Because of Donald Trump, because he had called them to Washington, D.C."
"They've been there the whole time," added "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski.

So - the LSM makes it very clear that any pretense of abiding by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Rule of equality for all under the Rule of law - is nothing to be applied to any person who is not a marxist DPST.

the DPST's - with their AOC re-educations camps- have declared a WAR on anyone they target - and that is anyone who voted Trump, is conservative, republican, or caucasian.

it is the death of representative Democracy.
winn dixie's Avatar
What a freaking dumbass! Socialist state runs deep!
HedonistForever's Avatar
The point is, you might want to turn away for this one 1blackman1, Democrats like Vice President Harris, while watching the burning, looting and assaults by BLM and Antifa, encouraged the violence by not only saying "it will continue and it should continue", but bailing out rioters including one guy who was bailed out 3 times and after the third time, seriously injured another person. Was VP Harris guilty of inciting a riot where people were killed and injured?


And to Morning Joe, are we really going to keep pretending that we didn't witness incitement to riot by Democrats for 6 months? If Democrats had been held accountable, you just might have gotten enough Republicans to convict Trump but seeing the hypocrisy of Democrats on full display, day in and day out, they came to the conclusion of "fuck that"! And I can't blame them.
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Nothing to turn away from. And I don’t look to either Joe or Mika Scarborough for any, well anything.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well I didn't see trump leading the group over the fences, so the dims wasted several hours of everyone's time.
Seriously it is that simple.
Yes Trump made a speech.
So if we can jail folks for making speeches, that applies to the dims also.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2021, 12:15 PM
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Nothing to turn away from. And I don’t look to either Joe or Mika Scarborough for any, well anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

so - 1b1 - denial and deflection - as usual
Trying writing Truth and FACTS for a change
it is 'Freeing"!
From teh slavery of teh Marxist ideology !
adav8s28's Avatar
A case doesn't have to be made. You will not find 17 republican senators who will vote to convict. You might find 7 or 8, you won't find 17. It will take 17 republican senators to get to 67 for conviction.
  • oeb11
  • 02-13-2021, 08:37 AM
'a case does not have to be made'

Thank you 'a' - you make it clear you have no value in the Constitution, Rule of law, or Due Process for your 'enemies of teh state' (per your leader nazi pelosi) -
and do you also believe that all 100 million plus Conservatives in America should be placed in your leader AOC's re-education / concentration camps??

Of course you Do!

May you be treated under the law precisely as you choose to inflict on your so-called 'enemies' - many of whom would die to protect the Rights you reserve only for Yourself and those marxist radicals and nomenklatura you do love so dearly.

Go ahead and substitute for yourself - Stalin's rule - v the Constitution you revile.
Be my Guest!
move to Venezuela and fined out what your 'marxist /fascist Socialshit paradise is in Reality.
Please - valued Poster.
adav8s28's Avatar
'a case does not have to be made'

Thank you 'a' - you make it clear you have no value in the Constitution, Rule of law, or Due Process ........ Originally Posted by oeb11
'o' you're joking right? Trump was aquitted before the House of Reps could even deliver the article of impeachment to the Senate. (i.e.) Chuck and Nancy were wasting their time. You were not going to get 17 republican senators to vote to convict Trump, no matter what. Did you hear what Senator Ted Cruz told Trump two weeks ago, you have already won, don't worry.

'o' stick to viruses, when you talk about other things, you don't know what you are talking about.

I am not a socialist, I am not sharing my BMW with you.
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 07:12 AM
'a' - The point is - the DPST/ccp totally ignored any Rule of law or Evidentiary rules in their perecution of the Second Impeachment - very much as their Schiff/nadler non-bipartisan hearings.

They are out for political revenge for 2016 - and will pursue the former POTUS with civil and criminal actions for life - and after - towards his family.

They set a terrible example for our Government - of rank partisanship
And - times change - unless the DPST/ccp Voter Control Bureau covers all future elections - things change .

And - thank you for your usual dismissive , insulting, and typical liberal elitist, arrogant attitude towards " my knowledge of what I 'write' About!

i have no interst in confiscating your 'wealth'
That is the proposal of the Lizzie Radical marxist arm of your DPST/ccp party - a 'Wealth tax' - to confiscate American's hard earned wealth and property to the Golden calf God of 'equity' and marxism.

You Voted for the marxist idiots - don't whine when they confiscate your BMW for an OBLM terrorist in shit hole cities such as Baltimore.