Biden claims "assault weapons are an undeniable threat to representative government"

No shit, Joe. That's the whole point of the 2nd amendment.
winn dixie's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Exactly Originally Posted by winn dixie
And again, exactly.

I think a huge issue is exactly what types of weapons the supreme court will allow, or not.

Technically, is a bazooka a gun?
What about a shoulder fired missile?
A machine gun, is a gun, but...

So let's consider semi-automatic anything. Well my belief is that any semiautomatic is easily allowed.

This will be interesting.

And yes, govt taking peoples weapons have started numerous wars and replacements of governments.

I note the British tried to seize the weapons of the local militia at Lexington, Concord and Boston, Mass. Although successful in Boston, the Lexington and Concord attempts started the Revolutionary war in 1775.
"The Declaration of Causes of Taking Up Arms" passed by the Continental Congress cited Gen. Gage's (British) perfidy in seizing the Bostonians' arms.
ICU 812's Avatar
So if they are so opposed to the private ownership of firearms . . .why don't they try to abolish the Second Amendment?

There is an explicitly set out mechanism for modifying the Constitution or repealing any amendment.

I say stop pussy-footing around on this and either put up or shut up.
There is an explicitly set out mechanism for modifying the Constitution or repealing any amendment.

I say stop pussy-footing around on this and either put up or shut up. Originally Posted by ICU 812
They want it, but they also get it (a bit), the problem is their trying to rationalize it to fit their own mental narratives. Nearly all my affluent, white suburban friends back up north are not only wholly anti-gun, but usually respond with the usual "we live in a society" argument that most ivory towered folks do.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Hand guns are used in more homicides than ar15s

It is mainly black on black though so it doesn't fit.

Banning a shoulder thing that goes up is more their speed.
What is everybody getting so up in arms about? pun intended ..... statistics show you're much more likely to be murdered by HiLIARy Clinton than by an assault rifle ..... and for the record, biden's a dipshit, but you knew that before you elected him, and does he really want the political suicide that will come with abolishing the 2nd amendment? ..... do you really want republicans back in control of all 3 branches of government? if you do then go get those guns .....
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 06:42 AM
Got Mine - and that sounds like a much beter idea to have a republican conservative government than teh marxist anti-Constitution Lying DPST fiden crime family regime that was elected by voter Fraud.
Levianon17's Avatar

No shit, Joe. That's the whole point of the 2nd amendment. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Joe Biden apparently is too stupid to realize the purpose of the whole Constitution is for Government to abide by. If Joe Biden does anything that would be unconstitutional in terms of the Second Amendment he should be impeached. Militia Groups all over America are poised to petition Government if he does.
I think it's more he just doesn't give a crap about the consitution than he's stupid. Well, maybe both. I mean, look what happened with the election. If he cared about integrity, fairness, character, he wouldn't have been a 47 year politican.
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden claims "assault weapons are an undeniable threat to representative government"
Did Biden use the phrase "assault weapons"?

This is his campaign announcement:

In the past few days he used the phrase: "weapons of war"!

It is similar to his $15 minimum wage promise ...

.. now that he's in office it is .... a "goal"!

You all voted for the lunatic!
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 07:28 AM
Joe Biden apparently is too stupid to realize the purpose of the whole Constitution is for Government to abide by. If Joe Biden does anything that would be unconstitutional in terms of the Second Amendment he should be impeached. Militia Groups all over America are poised to petition Government if he does. Originally Posted by Levianon17

While i am glad groups are prepared to take action in the legal forums - i doubt anything will affect the mind-set of teh DPST/cco nomenklatura - and their zeal for a disarmed populace to Rule in total authority.

Until they force the issue by confiscation of all weapons - And that will have consequences
from my cold, dead hands.
LexusLover's Avatar
...and their zeal for a disarmed populace to Rule in total authority...... Originally Posted by oeb11
"zeal" is not reality.

Mexico has STRINGENT firearms legislation.

Why has there been THE NATIONAL GUARD protecting D.C. buildings?
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 11:07 AM
Mexico is run by a few mega rich families, and the cartels - depending on the locale.

Their 'stringent firearms laws' - keep most weapons out of the hands of the populace - and leaves them defenseless against the cartels and the ruling class of families.

national guard - easy answer - nazi pelosi and her gang of criminals want protection from the populace she hates, and is determined to Rule by sending all objectors to her/aox re-education camps.

Same reason nazi pelosi demands walls and razor wire around the Capitol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar

Scary stuff.

Edit: it’s a shame I lost all my firearms in a boating accident.