Delete My Account

Beau Derierre's Avatar
I no longer find this a place where you can be a member without all the dramatic BS! It's a shame when I defend myself against one of you members, I get a Mod in my inbox. I have ONE handle.

You guys are so one sided it's very obvious you encourage and allow the drama.
I will not be bashed or participate in this childish playground any longer!

This is not a place I want to be associated with! I have a personal website for those that would like to contact me.

It's a shame Eccie you have many lurkers, and from the drama/bashing you permit all over Houston board they would not dare contribute for what Eccie is suppose to be about Reviews. Lurkers come here out of fear alone just to be welcomed to the drama an bullying you allow around this place.

Delete my account TODAY!
Mojojo's Avatar
I will get the disable request submitted but we don't delete accounts.