Powell, Bloomberg, Christie & Clinton support Kenyan Muslim Socialist for President!

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Colin Powell and Michael Bloomberg endorse an incompetent lazy Kenyan Socialist Muslim for President, while Chris Christie has Bromance with same and Clinton campaigns ferociously for same in hopes of supplanting Christie in Bromance!

See how reasonable it sounds? The Powell and Bloomberg endorsements sound death knell for Romney. Righties, it is pretty much all over but the crying. If Romney knows how economies work 20x as well as Obama because he has 20x more money, then Bloomberg (not to mention Buffett, Gates and Soros) knows 100x as well as Romney.

Get your vitriol out here and now. I just call them like I see 'em.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not convinced he's Kenyan, but you got the rest pretty much right. But Powell and Bloomberg are long time lefties. It's not surprising they endorse Obama. Like most endorsements for either side, no one really cares.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's a typical response from the biggest POTUS hater on the board.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Aw, thanks, Assup! But I don't think I'm the biggest POTUS hater here. There are some who truly hate Obama, I simply just heartily dislike what he's doing. But I don't hate anyone.

I wish him well, a happy retirement, a fair trial, and a comfortable prison cell, with conjugal visits from Michelle.

See? I'm a nice guy.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Oh, I forgot, the lefty rag, "The Economist" endorsed him as we'll ROTFLMAO! I guess all the furrin English are pinkos too though!

Yeah, Bush had a "lefty" as Sec. Of State and businessman Bloomberg are lefties? LOL bloomberg seems to actualy be an independent, right of guiliani, but middle of the road enough for conservatives and liberals to elect him mayor several times. But then what do I know? I guess if anyone is the left of them they must be Stalinists or something in that totally skewed Right wing bizarro world you and so many other inhabit. Whatever.

So you don't buy he is Kenyan...how noble and reasonable of you. It all makes me laugh. At least you can sometimes be civil when no one attacks you or uses insulting twists on your handle. Thanks for that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
backpedal your ass off Rainbow Rain Man!

We ALL know what you've said, how you've said it and more importantly how you're trying to get back into the middle now.

You have even less credibility now than three months ago.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, I forgot, the lefty rag, "The Economist" endorsed him as we'll ROTFLMAO! I guess all the furrin English are pinkos too though!

Yeah, Bush had a "lefty" as Sec. Of State and businessman Bloomberg are lefties? LOL bloomberg seems to actualy be an independent, right of guiliani, but middle of the road enough for conservatives and liberals to elect him mayor several times. But then what do I know? I guess if anyone is the left of them they must be Stalinists or something in that totally skewed Right wing bizarro world you and so many other inhabit. Whatever.

So you don't buy he is Kenyan...how noble and reasonable of you. It all makes me laugh. At least you can sometimes be civil when no one attacks you or uses insulting twists on your handle. Thanks for that. Originally Posted by austxjr
Actually, I don't think Bush was much of a conservative, and certainly had no Libertarian leanings. The way he spent money and increased government, not to mention the two illegal, unfunded wars, is not indicative of conservative leanings. At least, IMHO.

And Austxjr, I'm here for fun. I rarely agree with you, but you posts are usually well thought out and non-insulting, at least by this board's standards. It's more fun to engage you than ridicule you. Ridicule is all some of the others understand. And that's fun, too. Watching their reaction, that is.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Thanks COG. I'd fight and die for your right to have and speak your opinions, though I rarely agree with yours either. I agree, insults are for the weak minded and had rarely seen Libs do it as much as righties. It distresses me a bit but I guess it takes all kinds.

Oddly enough, I do agree with you on Bush, though he was what has come to be known as a moderate conservative these days, though they seem to be an endangered or at least hiding species these days. Libertarians have some good points and provide a valuable counter point to both parties which tend to slavishly support the establishment even when the establishment needs to be blown to smithereens. At the least we should legalize several drugs and prostitution and tax them as well as quit invading other countries when we don't have the support of the population (like Kuwait and Libya, though we didn't invade) and most of the rest of the world. Running the Iraq and Afghan wars off the books for seven years was criminal.

I also think Bush with Congress did huge damage to our civil liberties with the Patriot Act (massive irony) and the torture and wiretapping, the extent to which we will not realize for years and possibly too late. To his credit, I thought he and Cheney might just declare all Dems to be Terrorists, jail them under the Patriot Act and declare martial law to keep Republicans in power indefinitely, but he didn't thank god.

Ridicule me and I'll just find a more engaging sandbox. I'm not going to waste any time seeing who can be nastier. I might win, but I don't like me when I do so everybody loses.
joe bloe's Avatar
Aw, thanks, Assup! But I don't think I'm the biggest POTUS hater here. There are some who truly hate Obama, I simply just heartily dislike what he's doing. But I don't hate anyone.

I wish him well, a happy retirement, a fair trial, and a comfortable prison cell, with conjugal visits from Michelle.

See? I'm a nice guy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not as long as I'm around!

If you're hoping he gets conjugal visits from Moochelle, you really must hate him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We probably agree more than we disagree, Aust. But as far as this board goes, I started here trying to be civil, and it got so bad I left for awhile. Then I got sick, and had to retire from my profession to recover, and spent about a year homebound. I don't watch TV, so I spent a lot of time on the computer. I popped in the Sandbox, and decided, what the hell? I'm bored, so I just joined in. From the right perspective, it can be a lot of fun. If you take anything seriously, or expect a serious discussion, you won't like it here. I post what I feel like, and try to make a point now and then, and then sit back and watch. I really do enjoy it. And with a couple exceptions, I think I could be friends with most everyone on this board. I see it like Happy Hour after work, where the guys get together, have a few drinks, talk shit to each other, and then leave as friends.

We're all different. You like intelligent conversation. That's cool, and a refreshing change. As long as you're enjoying yourself, hang around. If it gets too irritating, do something else. Life's too short, and there is nothing to prove here. Life is to be lived and enjoyed. Part of that for me is posting here, and watching the nonsense ensue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
goddamn if someone isnt giving Rainbow Rain Man a shot at trying to sound intelligent.

You're casting pearls before swine!

speaking of swine ... Did you ever take that bet, JoeBlob?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you think Obama is a Kenyan then I'll take your word for it. Of course you know that Bloomberg is a democrat in reality so what is your point. Same can be said for Powell and Clinton. Democrat and closet democrat. Christie is a republican who right now needs for Obama to sign some papers so New Jersey gets money for rebuilding. So I consider his words under duress.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doesn't matter who the rats are, Barleyswine. Only that the ship is sinking.