
badhusband's Avatar
Two lawyers are stranded on a deserted island, nothing around
them for miles and miles but water. They've been stranded here
for quite some time, so they've gotten quite bored with one another.
One of the lawyers tells the other he's going to climb to the
top of the tree (the only thing on the island) to see if he can
possibly see a rescue team coming.
The other lawyer tells him he's crazy and that he's just wasting
his time and won't see anything. But the lawyer proceeds to climb to the top of the tree anyway.
He's up there only a short time when the lawyer down on the
ground hears him say, "Wow! I can't believe my eyes! I don't
believe this is true!"
So the lawyer on the ground says, "What do you see? I think
you're hallucinating and you should come down right now."
So the lawyer reluctantly climbs down the tree and proceeds to
tell his friend that he saw a naked blonde woman floating face
up headed toward their island.
The other lawyer starts to laugh, thinking his friend has surely
lost his mind. But within a few minutes, up floats a naked
blonde woman, face up, totally unconscious.
The two lawyers go over to where she is, and one says to the
other, "Well, you know it's been a long time... do you think we should screw her?"The other lawyer responds, "Out of what?"
that funny i like it
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