Stood up by Electric Feel Now. (This just has not been my week.)

I had been wanting to see EFN for a long time. After much back and forth, I finally get a response from her and set up an appointment. Originally it was for Sunday but I had some time that opened up for this morning and she agreed to meet me today, possibly at 11:00 but definitely by noon. Great. I was really excited. I had read all the great reviews. She looks to play the way I like to play. And she says she has "boxes of toys". That sounds like fun to me.

So this morning comes along and around 10:00 I send text message to confirm. And then I wait. And wait. And wait.

Then around 11:15 I get a text that she is stuck at the gym and does not know if she can make it noon. So, I say what about 12:30. She says she can probably do that. I reply to confirm 12:30. Then no reply.

Now, I am pretty certain that this is not going to happen. However, I do try to keep an open mind. I am also about taking the high road and doing my due diligence. So I go over to the location. I text her stating that I am there. No reply. Tried calling. No answer. A few more texts, a call and a half hour later there is still no response.

Finally, as I ran out of time since I have to get to work, I give up and make a quick run to Black's BBQ on Barton Springs for a quick lunch (the pork ribs are really good, by the way).

I do realize that there was a "probably" in there but over the course of an hour and a half there was plenty of time to contact me. I also recognize that a firey auto accident or something might have happened. If that is the case, I can understand and empathize. If that is the case I hope she is alright. However, from what I have seen in similar situations with other providers that is usually not the case.

EFN, I am going to tell you the same thing I told Jayne. If you are out there, you stood me up. That was not cool. I was really looking forward to seeing you. I really don't know what happened but I wish you would have contacted me before I went to see you. I realize that this is unlikely, but if you would like to make this right, please call (not text) me and I am sure we can work out something that is reasonable. Now I don't know what you would want to do to make things right but I am open to suggestions. I promise I won't have you do anything unreasonable. If things go really well, I will happily write you a stellar review and make a separate post about how you made things right. Just let me know what you want to do.
pyramider's Avatar
I bet you were suicidal in high school.
John_Dough's Avatar
She's had a history of that with all of name changes. Then ironically she posts this thead :
its like the Sun, you know staring at it will cause issues yet yall keep doing it..

You should learn this NOW. if any Provider starts playing the 'push back time game' then simply move on.. I learned the hard way... just say NO!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-21-2014, 02:56 PM
HELL YES 76's Avatar
You should do yourself a solid and move on to the next one.
Still Looking's Avatar
We all go though losing streaks. Hang in there. The bat shit crazy ones take more effort.

I just noticed this one in the Welcome section...may be a slump buster?
FS_ITC's Avatar
Sorry to hear that happened to you. It really does suck to be stood up.

AtxTexMex's Avatar
When will you all learn. She is notorious for standing people up yet guys still reach out to her.

AtxTexMex's Avatar
She's had a history of that with all of name changes. Then ironically she posts this thead : Originally Posted by John_Dough
What is worst is when she complains about guys cutting their sessions shorter then what was originally scheduled upon arriving because its in bad form, yet booking dates and then blowing the client off when arriving is totally acceptable.
playingnthedark's Avatar
We all go though losing streaks. Hang in there. The bat shit crazy ones take more effort.

I just noticed this one in the Welcome section...may be a slump buster? Originally Posted by Still Looking
That is not funny. But I'm lmao
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I'm really sorry you have had that happen to you twice. I hope that you get it worked out as you did with jayne. Good luck.
Hey - Mods?

This did not happen as the OP has stated and is a false accusation. What can providers do about situations like this? could start by telling us what did happen. We have heard his story, now we'd like to hear yours. could start by telling us what did happen. We have heard his story, now we'd like to hear yours. Originally Posted by JJones

God, yes...we're waiting.....