Google privacy policy starts March 1st... read for info

raedy4funn45's Avatar
Just a heads up... check the link below to see what Google knows about YOU!

You've probably heard that starting March 1, Google is going to unify all your privacy data from your various accounts, such as Gmail, YouTube and Web searches. What that means, in part, is that your past Web searches could become part of a big pot of information that's out there for Google to use to establish better profiles of its users for advertisers.

Don't want that? It's easy to clear your Google Web search history, but you'll need to do it with haste. Starting Thursday, the privacy policy goes into effect, although it's under fire, both in the U.S. and abroad. Despite the concerns, Google has said that the changes will not bring any new or additional data collection, and that most of its product-specific policies already allow information to be shared across product lines when users sign into their Google accounts.

Still, it doesn't hurt to wipe some things off your personal data map, including your searches. To get started, first, go There, you will log in, using your Google sign-in.

Once you're logged in, you may be surprised by what you see -- I know I was. I found a history of all my searches, dating back to April 2007. My search history then showed I was doing research on various Palm products for myself (I went on to buy the Treo and still think of it fondly to this day, but don't necessarily want that info used in some weird way):
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Thanks Ready4fun, I keep mine set to "private browse" so it does not retain it.

info for how to :

Thanks Ready4fun, I keep mine set to "private browse" so it does not retain it.

info for how to :
. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I've read some stuff that says that really won't work because they track as you browse. IDK if it's true. I've withdrawn from all Google sites just to make sure.
pyramider's Avatar
SNL ought to have some very interesting maps to bewilder the geeks at google.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
SNL ought to have some very interesting maps to bewilder the geeks at google. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah they probably stole all my history for break time wank material

@ Charlie, I just know when I did that Google check the OP listed, mine said "No browsing history" that my history was paused.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
My google web history has been gone on all accounts for over a year - when I heard it even existed my exact reaction was "Oh HELL no"
All I can say is WOW...real eye opener! I thought I was searching under a totally different RL account and it shows under my Google hobby account.
My google web history has been gone on all accounts for over a year - when I heard it even existed my exact reaction was "Oh HELL no" Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Let all of us know how you did that.
yeah, i always browse anonymously. Its easier than trying to clear your history. No information has been retained on me.
According to the geeks they've had on numerous news spots, even if you browse anonymously, its still tracking you.

I only use google for certain things, but never for my hobbylife.
According to the geeks they've had on numerous news spots, even if you browse anonymously, its still tracking you.

I only use google for certain things, but never for my hobbylife. Originally Posted by MsElena
I think this is the correct view.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar

Hopefully these help you hide from google. I use gmail in my personal life and have since 2004 when it launched. That won't change. But never anything hobby related.
This isn't anything new, google has been doing this for quite some time but they are taking things to the next level as they will implement it into TV's and other daily products, eventually your commercials will even be personalized. Thing is they don't care what you are doing or looking at, they are trying to personalize your experience so they can get you to click on advertisements. Adwords is a huge revenue for google, the more personal they can make it the more likely they are to make $ off you.
Well, I will be one small voice against Google making a bunch of bucks off me. I realize that one person really doesn't matter, but I don't like being played, whether it's by hookers, cops, bosses or large corporations. There is still enough of a rebel in me...