“We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs.”

Finally, a university does the right thing. Way to go Ohio State.


“If you refuse to leave, then you will be charged with a student code of conduct violation,” Kasey said. “If you are here at 5:00 a.m. we will clear the building and you will be arrested.” He added, “We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs.”

“What do you mean by ‘clear the building?’” one of the stunned students asked.

Kasey didn’t mince words: “Our police officers will physically pick you up and take you to a paddy wagon,” he answered. “The people who work in this building should be protected also.”
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well at least they did not order the National Guard to shoot them.
Amazing, they call them "crybabies," but the reason he says to remove them is to "protect" the people who work there. The reason he gave is because the people who worked there were "scared" because they "rushed to the door" and "chanted to the people outside."

These kids might be cry babies, but if that is the reason for the removal, then they are "crybabies" too.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They have no right to occupy the building in protest. They are lucky they have not been tazed or shot. Ohio has a history on that you know.
They should go and chain them selves to a big rock near the river and throw away the key if they are really serious about what ever they are protesting.
Me I am protesting the high cost of pussy so I will only fuck whores this week that are less than $$ an hour.
  • DSK
  • 04-14-2016, 04:14 PM
Amazing, they call them "crybabies," but the reason he says to remove them is to "protect" the people who work there. The reason he gave is because the people who worked there were "scared" because they "rushed to the door" and "chanted to the people outside."

These kids might be cry babies, but if that is the reason for the removal, then they are "crybabies" too. Originally Posted by eatfibo
I'd say the administration is correct in kicking those faggotty little liberals out of the campus.

They should push the rest of the motherfuckers out of America.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Finally, a university does the right thing. Way to go Ohio State.


“If you refuse to leave, then you will be charged with a student code of conduct violation,” Kasey said. “If you are here at 5:00 a.m. we will clear the building and you will be arrested.” He added, “We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs.”

“What do you mean by ‘clear the building?’” one of the stunned students asked.

Kasey didn’t mince words: “Our police officers will physically pick you up and take you to a paddy wagon,” he answered. “The people who work in this building should be protected also.” Originally Posted by filbone

fucking A! about time some one finally doesn't bow down to these liberal blow hards. these little lbtard pansies were wetting themselves when they were told they'd be expelled. Missouri should have done the same thing but they didn't have the balls to do it.

hopefully Ohio State starts a trend here and more schools get tough with these pansies.

bambino's Avatar
Woody Hayes would have kicked their little faggot asses.
They have no right to occupy the building in protest. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Fair enough, but then state that is the reason why. Claiming that you are doing so because people were "scarred" by them chanting is equally crybaby-ish.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bunch of he-men you are.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Better he-men than shemales.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The reality is they do not owe anybody and explanation. To state a few of the "issues" is just a part of the reasons. You personally do not have the right to an explanation not do the pussies that think they are accomplising something by disrupting the business of educationg their stupid asses.
If they are students there, they should be expelled as well as jailed.
I suppose they could get a job with Trump protesting at his rallies to garner more attention than he deserves. Hell they could probably get paid by Hillary too.
The reality is they do not owe anybody and explanation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But if they give an explanation, and it is the equivalent of "some people are crybabies, you need to leave" then it is equally pathetic.
  • DSK
  • 04-15-2016, 10:58 AM
Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But if they give an explanation, and it is the equivalent of "some people are crybabies, you need to leave" then it is equally pathetic. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Not if it is true.
Not if it is true. Originally Posted by DSK
So people being scared by people chanting, and then complaining to those in charge, aren't crybabies?

I don't know exactly what these people were protesting, but I bet they perceive some threat to themselves, and this is their way of complaining to those in charge.

I don't see how one is a crybaby but the other is not.
Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But if they give an explanation, and it is the equivalent of "some people are crybabies, you need to leave" then it is equally pathetic. Originally Posted by eatfibo
You miss the OSU administrator's point completely. He's calling the students out for doing the very same thing they're protesting against. They're creating actual unsafe spaces to protest their perceived unsafe spaces (which are otherwise known as real life). George Carlin's "fucking for virginity" line comes to mind.