Unedited - He's tired

Yea right, he looks a lot better than Kamela... maybe to the gays, but not to any blue blooded American, right? Poor old man looks tired. Certainly doesn't look like a lad on top of his game. Instead it looks like great grandpap just woke up because he pood himself again
I wish him nothing but the worst

Context doesn't matter. This is the real him. Grasping at straws


Yea right, he looks a lot better than Kamela... maybe to the gays, but not to any blue blooded American, right? Poor old man looks tired. Certainly doesn't look like a lad on top of his game. Instead it looks like great grandpap just woke up because he pood himself again Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

Christ. He looks rough. I think he looks like a couch that Vance fucked.
Christ. He looks rough. I think he looks like a couch that Vance fucked. Originally Posted by AwesomeAce

Fake news. JD Vance had morals. He said on the record in 2016 or 2020 how much of a fuckwad Trump was.
But the only explanation for him doing a heel face turn is that Trump got some really bad dirt on Vance... there really can be no explanation for how someone could go from a hard anti-trumper to a pro-couch diggy doggy fuckin Trump supporter so fast.
Fake news. JD Vance had morals. He said on the record in 2016 or 2020 how much of a fuckwad Trump was.
But the only explanation for him doing a heel face turn is that Trump got some really bad dirt on Vance... there really can be no explanation for how someone could go from a hard anti-trumper to a pro-couch diggy doggy fuckin Trump supporter so fast. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Sure there's an explanation. A naked desire for power. He wants it, and the only way to get is to jump aboard the retard train.

Yes. I know the couch thing is completely made up. I think it's funny though, and I'm holding to see if it drives them crazy enough to actually deny it. Then the people that made it up will have won.