WTF is Romney thinking??????????

"Mitt Romney: Minimum Wage Should Automatically Increase ".........

This guy is not what I thought he was; he needs to be defeated !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What have I been telling you!
I will say that while I would never vote for Romney, at least he's not a scary crazy person like Newt and Santorum and statements like this one prove it.
Um, what's wrong with minimum wage keeping up with inflation? Do you think working Americans should be subject to poverty? Would you rather they quit their jobs because they can't afford daycare and rent and go on welfare?

What's wrong with being moderate? It's people like you WW, and the radicals on the other side, that are bring this country to a grinding halt. When he gets the nomination, you'll vote for him.
Minimum wage has nothing to do with keeping people out of poverty and everything to do with driving down employment rates for the un-skilled and new entries into the labor force.

Do you know what group makes up the largest percentage of minimum wage workers?

Less than 1% of minimum wage workers are heads of households and most are teenagers or early 20's.......students, high schoolers, part time workers, yada yada....

Automatic adjustments to the minimum wage will do two things;

- drive down employment within the unskilled worker
- increase illegal immigration and hiring of illegals who work off the books

Romney knows this yet he felt complled to "make amends" for his I don't care mis-que yesteday.

Sorry, but I thought I could tolerate Romney as my candidate, but no longer.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
You're a dumbass Whirlaway. I have a son who works for minimum wage and he would dearly love to have his own place, health insurance, maybe even start a family some day.

How would you like to live on $290 a week, before taxes? Thank God you and all your silver-spoon motherfucking friends will never get full control of this country.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WW, come over to the Libertarian side. We have cookies! And liberty!

Tryin' what's keeping your son from getting a better job? I feel for you, but I have a son who was the same way, and he is clawing his way up the ladder. Without government help. It's making him a better man.
Truly sorry your son is struggling; but a 2% annual increase over his current $290 paycheck ain't gonna get him his own place, health insurance, and feed a future family.

But alittle experience, education and moving up the work ladder will.

In the meantime, let's hope his employer decides to keep him on and not fire him because of government mandadted health insurance, cost of living wages, EPA regulations, Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes Oxley, OSHA, and the rest of the compliance BS that the Federal Government is laying on employers.

BTW; our family spoons were wooden ladels....

You're a dumbass Whirlaway. I have a son who works for minimum wage and he would dearly love to have his own place, health insurance, maybe even start a family some day.

How would you like to live on $290 a week, before taxes? Thank God you and all your silver-spoon motherfucking friends will never get full control of this country. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Tryin' what's keeping your son from getting a better job? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Now GOG has unwittingly hit the nail on the head here.

Fuck the people who can't get "better" jobs, right? God, talk about showing the true colors and not realizing it.
Truly sorry your son is struggling; but a 2% annual increase over his current $290 paycheck ain't gonna get him his own place, health insurance, and feed a future family.

But alittle experience, education and moving up the work ladder will.

In the meantime, let's hope his employer decides to keep him on and not fire him because of government mandadted health insurance, cost of living wages, EPA regulations, Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes Oxley, OSHA, and the rest of the compliance BS that the Federal Government is laying on employers.

BTW; our family spoons were wooden ladels.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As usual, you are full of shit, Whirly. Every single time a minimum wage increase comes up for discussion, we hear the same republican arguments. It's the end of the world as we know it, our businesses will collapse, we will have to fire everybody, blah blah blah....and after the increases pass, the bottom line is that the employers' bottom line gets a tiny bit smaller, it's a bit less money to put in their pockets. In return, the lower echelon worker climbs a bit higher towards a wage that allows a worker to feed his family, pay his rent and try to make ends meet.

Why are all Republicans such greedy, heartless fucking assholes?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Truly sorry your son is struggling; but a 2% annual increase over his current $290 paycheck ain't gonna get him his own place, health insurance, and feed a future family.

But alittle experience, education and moving up the work ladder will.

In the meantime, let's hope his employer decides to keep him on and not fire him because of government mandadted health insurance, cost of living wages, EPA regulations, Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes Oxley, OSHA, and the rest of the compliance BS that the Federal Government is laying on employers.

BTW; our family spoons were wooden ladels.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway I for once want to at least thank you for the first time blasting a Republican on your thread I was highly anticipating this to be another attack on Obama, but I again have to disagree with you and agree with both Olivia and Trynagetlaid. Minimum wage should reflect and rise with inflation point blank as Olivia stated- also although the number is small there are people who work minimum wage jobs who would like to save money and some need every penny they can earn- the current minimum wage rate per hour is barely enough for a person to survive it's basically slave work- think about this a person minimum wage every hour you work will get you 2 gallons of gas- basically it should rise with cost of living. I don't buy the bullshit that companies will go broke or cut back if the minimum wage goes up total bullshit. WW there's been a lot of talk from the right that the UE rate is way higher than the actual figure due to people who have given up- although that it's true what a lot of people don't look at it i that the UE rate could actually be lower because their are a lot of companies and I mean a lot of companies who are sitting on huge loads of cash and could hire but are uncertain of the future market or rather have their employees do more work with less help. I have had my Pharmacy hours cut by 60 hours even though my 2011 numbers I beat my budget projections in all categories- so that's basically 2 people my store could easily hire at FT hours and this is a tend that my peers are seeing as well- so don't be fooled by companies saying oh we would have to cut back if minimum wages rises- total bullshit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why does the government OWE anyone a job? It's a sad fact of life that when the minimum wage goes up, so does youth and unskilled unemployment. The reason is simple. A business is not in business to give you job, they are in the business to make money. If you can't produce more than the company is willing to pay you, there is no reason for them to hire you or keep you. When you raise the minimum amount they must pay, the level of skill and efficiency required goes up, crowding out the less skilled and younger. Argue all you want, but that is a fact.

If you want a better job, increase your skills and efficiency. Don't whine to government, their help actually hurts.

I'll tell you about my other son, who I am very proud of for different reasons. First year in college, and he has never had a job. He thinks he's "too good" for a minimum wage job. I've tried to tell him there is much to learn about business and being a good employee even working at Burger King. But no, he would rather not. When the desire to go out with friends to movies and parties overcomes his distaste for work, he will get a job. (If I can get his mom to quit funneling him money under the table.) He's a smart, nice kid, but he has some things to learn. Without skills, he will need to start in a minimum wage, no benefit job. Tough. Most of us start there, and move up. It plays in to the government's quest for power to whine "Please help me" when you can damn well help yourself.

There are people who need government help. Those who can help themselves need to get out of the way.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why does the government OWE anyone a job? It's a sad fact of life that when the minimum wage goes up, so does youth and unskilled unemployment. The reason is simple. A business is not in business to give you job, they are in the business to make money. If you can't produce more than the company is willing to pay you, there is no reason for them to hire you or keep you. When you raise the minimum amount they must pay, the level of skill and efficiency required goes up, crowding out the less skilled and younger. Argue all you want, but that is a fact.

If you want a better job, increase your skills and efficiency. Don't whine to government, their help actually hurts.

I'll tell you about my other son, who I am very proud of for different reasons. First year in college, and he has never had a job. He thinks he's "too good" for a minimum wage job. I've tried to tell him there is much to learn about business and being a good employee even working at Burger King. But no, he would rather not. When the desire to go out with friends to movies and parties overcomes his distaste for work, he will get a job. (If I can get his mom to quit funneling him money under the table.) He's a smart, nice kid, but he has some things to learn. Without skills, he will need to start in a minimum wage, no benefit job. Tough. Most of us start there, and move up. It plays in to the government's quest for power to whine "Please help me" when you can damn well help yourself.

There are people who need government help. Those who can help themselves need to get out of the way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
ok COG if I wanted to make profit do you think I should be able to hire someone at let's say one dollar an hour to do janitorial work- you wouldn't have any issues with an employee doing such a thing? What's your definition of skill versus unskilled? so are people who are unskilled working in sweat shops do they deserve what they get paid? What about people working in the manufacturing industry or assembly line should they get paid minimum wage too- you don't need a degree to work at an auto plant.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, you don't need a degree to work at an auto plant. So can anyone work at an auto plant? NO! They need people who are willing to work. You learn that from having jobs, and doing a little more than expected in order to catch the boss's eye.

God, you people who think the government should regulate everything are ridiculous. Facts are facts, when the cost of labor goes up, so does unemployment. That is a fact, and all your social engineering isn't going to change that.

Another fact. You advance on your job and get better jobs WHEN YOU DO A GOOD JOB! You can whine about government not helping enough, or get your ass out there and do something! Hell, even the people who wipe your windshield at intersections are DOING something. And those people standing on the street in those Statue of Liberty outfits, you think they want that as their career? But if they do a good job, and use that boss as reference for a better job, that boss will say "S/he was a good worker, rarely complained and always showed up on time." The next employer will think "That sounds good, I can pay a little extra for that because I will be getting some more value." If that employer doesn't think that, the next one will.

It makes more sense, and takes less time than whining about the government not helping you enough.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

Tryin' what's keeping your son from getting a better job?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He has had better jobs, but the economy tanked and he has had to resort to working for minimum wage.

I read a lot of these political threads and rarely comment. But I truly believe most Americans just don't realize how much people are hurting right now.

And no one seems to have the answer; indeed there might not be one.

Sorry for the name calling Whirlaway.