pigs are flying, hell has frozen over, Saints won Superbowl 44!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
who thought they would make it this far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MuffDVR's Avatar
Beats me but does anyone know how retarded the "who dat" thing really is? wow, talk about annoying,lol.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Awesome day. Can you believe it. Don't pinch me if i'm dreaming!!!!
gman44's Avatar
The Saints also broke a streak of teams making it to the super bowl for the first time and not losing
pornodave69's Avatar
Besides the Saints winning, there were several noteworthy achievements. Tracy Porters interception and 74/75 yard run was the 3rd longest run in Super Bowl history. Brees tied the number of most completions in a game and Brees and Manning combined beat the total number of completions in any Super Bowl. Those 3 stand out but there may be more.
docdavid49's Avatar
Hartley kicking 3 40+ yard field goals is also a new record.

Best of all it was a Great Game that was well played by both sides.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hartley kicking 3 40+ yard field goals is also a new record.

Best of all it was a Great Game that was well played by both sides. Originally Posted by docdavid49
the game was well played. Penalties were kept to a minimum and were mostly minor calls. the game was largely mistake free until late 4th qtr.

everyone was expecting an offensive shootout over what was believed to be 2 weak defenses. that shootout never materialized. both defenses did a very good job of containing both offensive powerhouses from lighting up the scoreboard.

this was more akin a to a sumo wrestling match & chess combined.

it had a fair amount drama in that game, vis a vis.. "what's up with that play?"

who was the MVP in this game? anyone know?

Personally, I think it should be Payton, he made a gutsy call to squib the kickoff at start of 3rd qtr.
docdavid49's Avatar
MVP was Brees but I agree with you DF... Payton called a great game.
The on-side kick at the beginning of the second half was the turning point in the game. It was one of the best superbowls ever
A Cajun who died went to hell.

The devil assigned him the usual punishment...put him in the mass pit where the heat was melting others.

The devil came back sometime later surprised to find the Cajun just sitting around, not even misting, much less sweating. "How come you're not so much as sweating here where everyone else is screaming for relief from the heat?"

The Cajun laughed and said, "Man, I was raised in the bayous of Sout Looziana. Dis ain't nothin' but May in Morgan City to me!"

The devil decided to really put the Cajun through it. He put him in a sealed off cave in the pit with open blazes and four extra furnaces blasting.

When he came back, days later, the Cajun was sitting pretty, had barely begun to bead up with sweat. The devil was outraged. "How is this possible!? You should be melted to a shrieking puddle in these conditions!.."
The Cajun laughed even harder than before. "Hey, man! I done tole you. I was raised in Sout Looziana. You tink dis is heat? Dis ain't nothin' but August in Cow Island!"

So the devil thought, 'Alright, a little reverse ought to do the trick.'

He put the Cajun into a corner of hell where no heat ever reached. It was freezing and to add to the Cajun's misery, he added massive icebergs and blasting frozen air.

When he returned, the Cajun was shivering, ice hung from every part of him but he was grinning like it was Christmas.

Exasperated, the devil asked "HOW!? How is it possible? You're impervious to heat and here you sit in conditions you can't be used to...freezing cold and yet you're happier than if you were in heaven. WHY?!"

The Cajun kept grinning and said, "Wit Hell done froze over dis can only mean one ting - dem Saints done won da Super Bowl!!"

DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooo awesome partying on Bourbon last nite!!!woooohooo saints rule!!!
Hobbihorse2's Avatar
It was an awesome day and even a better night. However, I just got to the office and my body keeps reminding me that I can't party like I used to. In the old days, after staying out till 4:00 AM, I could take a shower and show up for work in the morning. I did not even get out of bed till 11:00 AM, but still feel like crap (except for the joy the victory gave to all of us).

DallasRain's Avatar
hey Hobbie babe---its all worth it though right??? lol!! Who dat!!!
Best hangover ever
Hobbihorse2's Avatar