Super Bowl Commercials

laoilman's Avatar
What was your favorite Super Bowl Commercial?
I liked the Denny's chickens screaming and Meg in the tub.
The Coca Cola + Simpsons spot was my favorite. Also, the Letterman-Oprah-Leno was simple but effective.
tigerfan225's Avatar
The Doritos commercial with the kid in it was my favorite..... Slaaapp

"Keep your hands off my momma...and keep your hands off my Doritos"
bodilly's Avatar
The Doritos commercial with the kid in it was my favorite..... Slaaapp

"Keep your hands off my momma...and keep your hands off my Doritos" Originally Posted by tigerfan225
Looks like we have similar taste in commercials to. That is the only one I really liked.

Some of the bud light commercials weren't to bad.
The Doritos commercial with the kid in it was my favorite..... Slaaapp

"Keep your hands off my momma...and keep your hands off my Doritos" Originally Posted by tigerfan225
Count me in as well.... I thought that was the BEST by far!

Commericals do not seem as good as they ued to be
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Count me in as well.... I thought that was the BEST by far!

Commercials do not seem as good as they used to be Originally Posted by Nikki Tylor
I liked the doritos commercials, they were funny.

there was one that kind of creeped me out, the Audi green commercial.

funny thing about it is that about 5 or 6 years ago, someone reported me for littering and an agency (don't recall what was the name of the agency) of the state of Louisiana, responding to the complaint, sent me a letter. it was a strange letter, of course, I threw it away.
laoilman's Avatar
I would have to agree with Nikki about the quality of the commercials. I guess I have come to expect something spectacular since they are supposed to be so much better than normal. They were cute and I suppose they acomplished their objectives but as a group they weren't the best. Did you guys see it was the most watched tv program in history, something like 107 million.