Public Apology

Michelle D'Milf's Avatar
My Dear Friends,
I must make a public apology to MuffDvr for anything that may have been misleading regarding his personal affairs.. I have told members about his personal affairs that should not have been shared. He has generously given me a 2000 Ford Focus that I don't have to pay for. He has never been late with his child support payments.. They are not court ordered. He pays me on his own.
I'm jealous because he dumped me a, 38 year old woman for a 19 year old girl. Anything that I've said about him is due to my own personal feelings. Please do not pm me or email me about this msg.
Uhhh ok
Moved to Sandbox from Coed
Hmmm something smells fishy here.
bayou boy
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 02-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Hmmm something smells fishy here.
bayou boy Originally Posted by Thibodaux
The understatement of the entire history of Western Civilization.....Suffice it to say that some things are being discussed and appropriate actions taken as we speak.....Just let this thing (thread) die a natural death please.....Thanks.
annie@christophers's Avatar
AND tTHATS not the understatement of the entire history of MAN LOL..Couldnt help myself ..rock on ... Its over...
TallGirlLover's Avatar
How does somebody become MissMILF then a immediately a guest? I'd let it die but this doesn't make sense.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I am not putting this elsewher >>I will try and put this shit straight back to you.... I have gotten 2 messages undercounting this poor girls situation... LOOK AT THEM PLEASE..he is a prick and threatens people that are scared of him!! LIKE I SAID BEFORE..PICK ON SOMEONE? YA LET THE GAMES BEGIN! MS/milf.. Call me.. ANNIE