tiger woods public apology

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

any one catch Tigers' 2nd public apology?

what do you think?
Guest031210-2's Avatar
I think he needs to keep his day job, his acting skills SUCK!
gimme_that's Avatar
If he was playing good right now....ala kobe bryant after his lil legal situation...most people would forget or not even care. As long as your dominant and winning.

Its only because he one of the most sponsored and admired golfers that's its an issue. I like how Nike support athletes in situations like this.

I don't consider him a role model, and no one else who plays sports. The apology was mostly to save face........he will never have a good marriage.

I really don't think many who posts here who happened to be married or in a relationship are in a position morality wise to judge him. If Ernie Els did a press conference for similar things, would you guys even care?

A press conference....Tiger would, but I wont.!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think he needs to keep his day job, his acting skills SUCK! Originally Posted by chellablaine

it looked like he really didn't want to do this, but is being forced to do it.

I wonder if Elin is making him do this as a form of "quid pro quo" for her humiliation over his philandering with reportedly over 19 women.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think Tiger Woods career is going down the toilet in slow motion similar to the slow speed drive of O.J. Simpson.

His "apology" came too late and sounded too scripted to be even remotely sincere.

I think his handlers finally prevailed upon him to make the damn apology, but he only made it grudgingly and that attitude of his was telegraphed to his discredit.
docdavid49's Avatar
Gimme That.. not judging him morally. Dilbert just asked what we thought. I only saw excerpts of it last night and he looked VERY uncomfortable. I know that I would be uncomfortable in that same situation but I don't perform in public, he does.

I do agree that if he were playing and tearing up course after course the mess would soon be forgotten.

Wife asked my why men stray and the only thing that I could come up with was...

Men are biologically not made to be monogamous, we are supposed to spread genetic material as widely as possible.

Since our young are so totally helpless as babies women on the other hand need (all right used to need) monogamy in order to be protected while caring for the young. Women seem to have evolved, men don't seem to.... ever.
. . . Women seem to have evolved, men don't seem to.... ever. Originally Posted by docdavid49
Now THAT's a frightening thought
gdiddy's Avatar
I have to wonder why we all care so much that he cheated on his wife. He owes her and his family every apology possible, but all these media guys with their "outrage" about what he did are ridiculous. What questions do people want him to answer? "Did she stick her finger in your butt?" or Please describe blow by blow every encounter you have had? If you asked any of those guys what happened in the room last time they had sex, they would be extremely upset and probably tell you to f*ck off. I don't see why this is different. How much embarrassment should he subject himself to in order to make the public happy?

Also, he will come back and continue winning tournaments and this will all slowly go away. If he retired right now, half the guys on the PGA tour would probably slit their wrists. Most people don't even know there is an event this weekend because he isn't there. Once those purses start going down, because no one is watching they will be happy to see him return.
cajundude11's Avatar
I agree - I really don't care what Tiger did in his personal life. That is between him, his wife and children. I think this situation got out of control for two reasons: the whole "wreck in the tree with wife breaking rear window with golf club" and when his 'conquest' number hit double digits. This is a society that is entertained by "Jersey Shore" and "Jerry Springer"...so it hit the public nerve. Plus, once someone gets on top, the media waits for the chance to bring them down to earth.

And I also agree that the public has a pretty short attention span. If Tiger comes back to the tour and starts winning right away, it'll pretty much be forgotten (think Kobe and Michael Vick, for instance).
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Wife asked my why men stray and the only thing that I could come up with was...

Men are biologically not made to be monogamous, we are supposed to spread genetic material as widely as possible.

Since our young are so totally helpless as babies women on the other hand need (all right used to need) monogamy in order to be protected while caring for the young. Women seem to have evolved, men don't seem to.... ever. Originally Posted by docdavid49
Men are not evolved?

Is that what you said?

Man, we all used to live in caves, remember?

We had no plumbing and drove model Ts.

Look how far beyond caves we have come.

And look here, We've ALL got in-door plumbing, well most of us, anyway!
docdavid49's Avatar
Men are not evolved?

Is that what you said?

Man, we all used to live in caves, remember?

We had no plumbing and drove model Ts.

Look how far beyond caves we have come.

And look here, We've ALL got in-door plumbing, well most of us, anyway!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

All of it pushed on us by our Women.... Think hunters and fishermen. Sit in a duck blind or on a tree stand for hours and hours in the cold and/or rain. Sit in a little (or big) boat in the hot sun for hours drinking beer and hoping that some dumb fish will come along and give us 5 minutes of fun!

That is evolved????

Just having fun with everyone...
All of it pushed on us by our Women.... Think hunters and fishermen. Sit in a duck blind or on a tree stand for hours and hours in the cold and/or rain. Sit in a little (or big) boat in the hot sun for hours drinking beer and hoping that some dumb fish will come along and give us 5 minutes of fun!

That is evolved????

Just having fun with everyone... Originally Posted by docdavid49
ALL of the activities you mentioned get us out of the house with no questions asked. So, yes, I would say that is evolved!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gimme That.. not judging him morally. Dilbert just asked what we thought. I only saw excerpts of it last night and he looked VERY uncomfortable. I know that I would be uncomfortable in that same situation but I don't perform in public, he does.

I do agree that if he were playing and tearing up course after course the mess would soon be forgotten.

Wife asked my why men stray and the only thing that I could come up with was...

Men are biologically not made to be monogamous, we are supposed to spread genetic material as widely as possible.

Since our young are so totally helpless as babies women on the other hand need (all right used to need) monogamy in order to be protected while caring for the young. Women seem to have evolved, men don't seem to.... ever. Originally Posted by docdavid49

there is that, but in the bad old days (some thought it was good), life expectancy was very short, early man only lived like at minimum 30 to 40. one was lucky to be called an elder if one lived up to 50 to 60! and if one by chance managed to live to 70 or higher, I don't know what they call 'em, I do know that they're at an exalted (WOW) status of an elder and they get praised like he's 300 years old and stuff like that.

but mostly, these guys prolly acted more like baboons (dominant/submissive alpha/beta thing) with knifes and spread their genetic seeds accordingly.

I'd say both sexes have evolved a great deal. on males, not quite completely tho, theres still the survival instict to spread the seed. that hasn't been obsoleted yet and prolly for a very long time to come.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ALL of the activities you mentioned get us out of the house with no questions asked. So, yes, I would say that is evolved! Originally Posted by SeaDog

prolly would agree with that statement considering no predatory mega-fauna animals exists to make lunch or dinner out of the hunters & fisherman in question.