The Federal Emergency Management Agency is refusing to provide money to help rebuild the small Texas town where a deadly fertilizer plant explosion leveled numerous homes and a school, and killed 15 people.

According to a letter obtained by The Associated Press, FEMA said it reviewed the state's appeal to help West but decided that the explosion "is not of the severity and magnitude that warrants a major disaster declaration."
The blast killed 10 first responders and brought national attention to the agricultural community. President Barack Obama traveled to the area to attend a memorial service for the first responders and others who died trying to help.

The FEMA funds would have helped pay for public repairs such as roads, sewer lines, pipes and a school that were destroyed. It does not impact emergency funds FEMA has provided to individual residents.

West Mayor Tommy Muska said the rural community of 2,800 people estimated the cost of those repairs at about $57 million, including $40 million to rebuild a school that was destroyed when the West Fertilizer Co. blew up in April.

"We don't have the money to go out and borrow the money. We don't have the means to pay that note back," Muska said. "There's got to be some public assistance."

Here is Obama making more false promises of assistance to help rebuild West.........

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...#ixzz2W1sZxKNV
Oh, you agree with that decision and you know it knucklehead. You're simply incapable of allowing any opportunity to bash Obama pass you by.

Ted Cruz, John Cornyn and Bill Flores, the republican house member who represents West, all voted against aid for New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. What goes around comes around. Fucking hypocrites.

It truly is a shame but, really....what would you expect? Maybe if Rick Perry and the rest of those yahoos hadn't made political careers out of advocating the elimination of the federal government, the outcome would have been different. Weren't you an advocate of Texas secession Whirlytard? Would the feds still have to pay to rebuild the school in West after Texas secedes? Huh, motherfucker? Idiot.

Maybe some federal safety regulations that prohibit storing tons of what was essentially high explosive a 100 yards from a school would've helped? Oh, wait...no. Perry is already on board stating publicly what a terrible idea that would be. Let the market control. Because look how well that worked out here.

The hypocrisy is simply astonishing.
The Texas Senators voted against the NJ aid because they wanted to to be paid for. You know PAYGO ! Like prior Congress did on emergency bailouts !

But Obama wants to keep being the big spender and debtor; he is an alcoholic when it comes to spending our tax dollars !

You don't know the legislative facts - FACT JACK !
The Texas Senators voted against the NJ aid because they wanted to to be paid for. You know PAYGO ! Like prior Congress did on emergency bailouts !

But Obama wants to keep being the big spender and debtor; he is an alcoholic when it comes to spending our tax dollars !

You don't know the legislative facts - FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Good. So, be happy. We just saved $57mm dollars. Right? Asshole.

I think it should be paid for...............cut all the food stamps going to illegals to pay for it !

Obama is the one who promised to help out; and now his FEMA says NO...............it wasn't Congress who made the phony promise and reneged......it was Obama !

I think it should be paid for...............cut all the food stamps going to illegals to pay for it !

Obama is the one who promised to help out; and now his FEMA says NO...............it wasn't Congress who made the phony promise and reneged......it was Obama ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes, why let a good crisis go to waste? By the way, households made up of illegal aliens aren't eligible for food stamps. Hopefully, the opportunity to have the children of illegals go hungry will present itself in other areas of republican policy. You'll have to find some other group to fuck over right now though. How about kids with cancer? Most of 'em are going to die anyway, let's take away federal funding on some medical research.


I think it should be paid for...............cut all the food stamps going to illegals to pay for it !

Obama is the one who promised to help out; and now his FEMA says NO...............it wasn't Congress who made the phony promise and reneged......it was Obama ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, there has been $6.5 million in payments in federal assistance made to individuals already.

And, I'm betting there will be some federal funds forthcoming to rebuild that school. When that happens, you make sure you post up here thanking President Obama, you asshat. Don't worry, I'll remind you.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I have to agree with FEMA on this one. It was a private enterprise that malfunctioned here causing the deaths and destruction, not a natural disaster. The company and their insurance carrier should be held responsible for the cleanup and repair in West, not the US taxpayers.
Remember. When Obama made that speech in West, Texas, he was on a Texas fund raising tour..............his stop was a photo op to raise more money.......

Obama's false hope promise was just a way to goose his fund raising.

Obama had to know that FEMA wasn't about to throw emergency funding to rebuild West.
I have to agree with FEMA on this one. It was a private enterprise that malfunctioned here causing the deaths and destruction, not a natural disaster. The company and their insurance carrier should be held responsible for the cleanup and repair in West, not the US taxpayers. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
There is only $1mm in liability insurance. Not even close to being enough to cover the wrongful death lawsuits that have already been filed. Can you imagine? Storing tons of high explosive in the middle of a town and there is not even any sort of requirement that they carry an adequate amount of insurance. And I doubt the corporation has two nickels to rub together in terms of cash to satisfy judgments. Most of the people who are suffering because of this will get squat.

I don't know what the criteria is to qualify for FEMA assistance but one would hope the guidelines were followed.
Remember. When Obama made that speech in West, Texas, he was on a Texas fund raising tour..............his stop was a photo op to raise more money.......

Obama's false hope promise was just a way to goose his fund raising.

Obama had to know that FEMA wasn't about to throw emergency funding to rebuild West. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I know how you hate inconvenient things like facts....but, as previously stated, FEMA has already shelled out $6,500,000 in individual assistance to the people in West..... you stupid fucking maroon.
Rick Perry will find a way to help re-build...................
I never said FEMA hasn't shelled out monies..........you are the fucking moron for saying so...............woefully short of the cost to rebuild.........but hell, Obama got his sound bite of false HOPE AND CHANGE on his fund raiser to Texas.

I know how you hate inconvenient things like facts....but, as previously stated, FEMA has already shelled out $6,500,000 in individual assistance to the people in West..... you stupid fucking maroon. Originally Posted by timpage
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 03:01 PM
FEMA covers man made disasters too ..

this is another Hell if you do, hell if you don't, with whirlie sitting in the middle of the fence just waiting to land on one side or the other
Obama Fundraising In Texas Ahead Of Bush Presidential Library Opening
