DPST Plans for Trump SOTU

  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 11:08 AM
Nancy Pelosi - To the tune- Nobody but Me - the Human Beinz
Nobody can do the Hypocrisy like I do
Nobody can do Controlling like I do
Nobody can do the Trump Hate like I do
Nobody can do Drunk Ugly like I do…

Chuckie Schumer - Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh!!!!!! I demand a recount and "The Facts" as I want them to be!!!!!

Cory Booker - sets up a sweat Lodge in the House and sings "Kum Ba Ya" - Love Trump!!!!

Elizabeth Warren - Brings Nathan Phillips and bangs the Tom-Tom. Tax the rich - except me.

Kamala Harris - brings Willie Brown and Joins Cory Booker for a threesome in the Lodge
Finds Booker with a Trump impersonator - Her head explodes due to
conflicting DPST directives of Hate Trump and Love Gay!

Adam Schiff - Sings I shall Impeach - to the tune of "I shall Overcome"

AOC - I am here to be inaugurated and sign Bills. Economics - what is that???

Kristen Sienema - Hurry up , Trump, I got table dances to do!

Omar and Tlaib - Bring out prayer rugs and pray for Trump to open new hotels in Gaza
Tell Pelosi and Schumer - We have ovens for You!!!

Beto - It's so unfair i lost . But if you make me President - I might feel better.

Stacey Abrams - her response to SOTU is to dance to the tune Bugaloo until the floor
gives way beneath her. Fortunately - she lands on her rear end - no injuries .
She convinces Pelosi not to honor Trumps's budget request for repairs to the House structure
Until ICE is abolished and Open Borders enacted - She gets cheaper maids and gardeners
themystic's Avatar
Nancy Pelosi - To the tune- Nobody but Me - the Human Beinz
Nobody can do the Hypocrisy like I do
Nobody can do Controlling like I do
Nobody can do the Trump Hate like I do
Nobody can do Drunk Ugly like I do…

Chuckie Schumer - Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh!!!!!! I demand a recount and "The Facts" as I want them to be!!!!!

Cory Booker - sets up a sweat Lodge in the House and sings "Kum Ba Ya" - Love Trump!!!!

Elizabeth Warren - Brings Nathan Phillips and bangs the Tom-Tom. Tax the rich - except me.

Kamala Harris - brings Willie Brown and Joins Cory Booker for a threesome in the Lodge
Finds Booker with a Trump impersonator - Her head explodes due to
conflicting DPST directives of Hate Trump and Love Gay!

Adam Schiff - Sings I shall Impeach - to the tune of "I shall Overcome"

AOC - I am here to be inaugurated and sign Bills. Economics - what is that???

Kristen Sienema - Hurry up , Trump, I got table dances to do!

Omar and Tlaib - Bring out prayer rugs and pray for Trump to open new hotels in Gaza
Tell Pelosi and Schumer - We have ovens for You!!!

Beto - It's so unfair i lost . But if you make me President - I might feel better.

Stacey Abrams - her response to SOTU is to dance to the tune Bugaloo until the floor
gives way beneath her. Fortunately - she lands on her rear end - no injuries .
She convinces Pelosi not to honor Trumps's budget request for repairs to the House structure
Until ICE is abolished and Open Borders enacted - She gets cheaper maids and gardeners Originally Posted by oeb11
wow thats a pretty busy agenda. i thought this was the presidents address. that doesn't leave much time for trump
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 01:54 PM
One would Love That
And AOC, Omar, and Tlaib in a 4-some!!!!
Left out Nazis- for completeness sake. .
themystic's Avatar
One would Love That
And AOC, Omar, and Tlaib in a 4-some!!!!
Left out Nazis- for completeness sake. . Originally Posted by oeb11
meet me in the center oeb
the old guard

pelosi, schumer et al

is now referred to as conservatives by the aoc crowd
themystic's Avatar
the old guard

pelosi, schumer et al

is now referred to as conservatives by the aoc crowd Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
keep in mind this aoc crowd is most of the people on heres kids and grand kids
winn dixie's Avatar
Mystic makes headlines!

He just went 3 consecutive posts in this thread without mentioning nazis! I knew those pep talks would do you some good. mystic gets a way to go !!
winn dixie's Avatar
So wtf doesn't feel left out....

bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lol bahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 02:52 PM
meet me in the center oeb Originally Posted by themystic

Uh Huh!
So you walk into my office and you’re feeling kind of low
You’re depressed, confused, and anxious, you’ve got no place to go
Well, I’m the one to talk to,I’m the man who understands
You just take a hundred fifty bucks and pop it in my hands
And hit the couch, hit the couch
So you say you hate your mommy and your dad was gone a lot
You had intimate relations with your pet dog Spot
Now you need some words of wisdom, need some help to find your way
Just relax upon my sofa, I know just the thing to say
I say, uh-huh… uh-huh… uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Say how’s that make you feel
Second verse:
There’s a lady on my ledge and she’s looking mighty fine
But that chicken suit she’s wearing says she’s out of her mind
Lady, step in through my window, watch your head, you’ll want to crouch
Lay your eggs upon my desk and park your beak upon my couch
Hit the couch, hit the couch
Now this Chicken Lady’s crazy, there’s no doubt, I needn’t ask it
She’s a few eggs short of an Easter basket
So what’s a man to say to a lady who’s a bird
I can solve all of her problems with just one little word
I say, uh-huh, say it with me now
I say, uh-huh, say it a little louder
Now uh-huh, once again uh-huh, once again uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Say how’s that make you feel
Here’s a man I’ve been his shrink for seventeen years
We’ve shared a lot of laughter, we’ve shared a lot of tears
But now he says he’s healthy,says his therapy is through
Says he’s moving on, well I’ve got a word for you
I say HEY! That’s my word for him
I say HEY! Listen to me Jim.

I have got a mortgage, leased a BMW
I’ve got a wife who’s like a refugee from “Taming Of The Shrew”
So you may say you’re healthy, no if’s or and’s or but’s
But if you think you’re getting out of here, well buddy, you’re nuts!
Hit the couch
Hit the couch
Hit the couch
Hit the… I’m sorry, our time is up
Hit the street!

David Hyde Pierce - the Psychiatrist Song

I will be in Austin 2-7 through 2-9 - leave 2-10

Austin Group dinner? - Individual checks.
themystic's Avatar
Mystic makes headlines!

He just went 3 consecutive posts in this thread without mentioning nazis! I knew those pep talks would do you some good. mystic gets a way to go !! Originally Posted by winn dixie
aw thanks wd. im touched
Stacey Abrams - her response to SOTU is to dance to the tune Bugaloo until the floor gives way beneath her. Fortunately - she lands on her rear end - no injuries .
..... Originally Posted by oeb11
If I were the DNC I'd keep Abrams as far away from the TV Cameras as possible. People just don't like fat, ugly, stupid people.

  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 03:38 PM
To paraphrase Churchill:
Stacey Abrams - Sir, You are drunk?
Yes, Ms. Abrams, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be an obese DPST dedicated to equal outcome for all except your Nomenklatura
Oh look who is going to be a guest....
Ana Maria Archila, Who Confronted Jeff Flake During the Kavanaugh Hearings, Will Accompany Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to the State of the Union https://news.yahoo.com/ana-maria-arc...wer&soc_trk=ma

I swear - you can't make this shit up! It's too good!!
bamscram's Avatar
If I were the DNC I'd keep Abrams as far away from the TV Cameras as possible. People just don't like fat, ugly, stupid people.

Originally Posted by gnadfly

Sure they do, they elected Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 03:52 PM
Those two will lower the Collective IQ of the assembly by a factor of 5.788
And the collective IQ of the DPST's in attendance by only 0.007