Palin Family Brawl

The police report is out.

>>>>>>The police report from a September brawl that included the Palin family was released on Thursday, and boy, did it include some crazy details.
The incident took place at a party near Anchorage, Alaska.
Below, some of the most eyebrow-raising tidbits from the police report:

  • When police arrived on the scene, "there was a large limousine and several individuals that appeared to be yelling and upset." The officer recognized Sarah and Todd Palin.
  • An officer noticed that "one of the males was not wearing a shirt and his [sic] was bloody." The bloody, shirtless male turned out to be Track Palin, who was "heavily intoxicated" and "belligerent at first."
  • Bristol Palin told the officer the family had attended a birthday party at the home of Korey Klingenmeyer. At the party, Bristol says she confronted a woman whom younger sister Willow Palin said had "pushed" her.
  • According to Bristol, the party's host, Korey, "pushed [Bristol] down to the ground" and "called her a 'slut' over and over." Then someone stole Bristol's shoes and sunglasses.
  • "Korey told me he had been hanging out in his back yard with approximately 20 other guests when Bristol Palin had approached the group saying she was going to 'knock that bitch out.'"
  • "[Bristol] stated she didn't know who Korey was and then said that Korey had drug her across the lawn by her legs and was calling her a cunt and a slut."
  • Korey said he was "angry that the Palins had showed up and were causing the problems."
  • "Bristol and her sister came up to the home owner in the back yard. [Korey] was asking her not to do anything there because it was a birthday party, and she punched him in the face 6 times" before "a bunch of wives tackled her ass."
  • Outside the party, the witness saw "four unknown guys jump on [Todd Palin]." Then Track "jumped in and was fighting the people that jumped his dad." But "Track said that he didn't know any of the guys that he said assaulted him, he could only describe them as skinny white males ... and that the kids' 43-year-old father was urging his son to hit Track."
What we take away:
  1. It was a real family affair involving at least four individual Palins.
  2. This probably happened after they crashed someone's birthday party.
  3. While a penchant for drunken brawls may or may not make you a feminist role model, if you see Bristol Palin on the warpath, seems like it's best to duck for cover.

Doesn't it just make you yearn for the days when there was actually a chance that the matriarch of this trailer trash actually had the opportunity to be one heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States?

Courtesy of the Republican Party.
Did Abortion Barbie approve your message?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's amazing... And predictable,

Every time things really suck for Obama....which is most of the time lately...there's always some liberal jackass on this board who will post something about Sara Palin or Rick Perry.

Is it to try to distract from the real issues that actually affect us or to make you feel like your smarter than everyone else....or is it because playing the race card has run its course?

Perhaps it just makes you feel important to see your words posted on a public forum like it does for I'va?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Isn't this old news (as someone said recently)?

Yeah, I saw the same thing but I get different things from it.

Limosine? Wasn't the first report a stretch hummer by the blogger who wasn't even there?

Yeah, we heard about the soldier Track. He was defending his sister. Defending people is something Obama could learn and not behaving badly towards women is something that democrats could learn.

Apparently Bristol was the center of some abuse. I guess you expect a family to stand by and watch.... oh, I remember. Obama girls are off limits but not Palin girls. Your hypocrisy is showing Timmie.

Was that your thing or a paste job; the party was crashed. I didn't see that anywhere but someone's conjecture. Was that yours?

First it was Bush derangement syndrome, then it was Ebola, and now its a further case of Palin derangement syndrome. What's the matter Timmie, you don't wipe your ass or something?
It was nothing more than your typical disorderly which involved not just the Palin kids but the homeowner and others attending the party as well. no one was charged. The report will be filed and forgotten about, except of course chicken shit liberals will bring it up periodically whenever they think they need some cheap ammo against Republicans, as is the case with the OP, who thinks this is some juicy story, which it isn't by any means.

LexusLover's Avatar
Are any of the Palins running for office?

Buried in the report is a witness (Non-Palin) describing the Palins leaving the party when Todd was attacked by four guys in the driveway as he was walking toward their limo. Several others mentioned a "fight" out "in the street" in front of the house and described 3 guys holding down Todd while a 4th punched on him.

Unfortunately there is no video .. as was originally reported.
It's amazing... And predictable,

Every time things really suck for Obama....which is most of the time lately...there's always some liberal jackass on this board who will post something about Sara Palin or Rick Perry.

Is it to try to distract from the real issues that actually affect us or to make you feel like your smarter than everyone else....or is it because playing the race card has run its course?

Perhaps it just makes you feel important to see your words posted on a public forum like it does for I'va? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Isn't it amazing if anyone starts a thread on anything but Obama his name is brought up. He lives in the heads of the right rent free. How important do you feel now dolly?
Are any of the Palins running for office?

Buried in the report is a witness (Non-Palin) describing the Palins leaving the party when Todd was attacked by four guys in the driveway as he was walking toward their limo. Several others mentioned a "fight" out "in the street" in front of the house and described 3 guys holding down Todd while a 4th punched on him.

Unfortunately there is no video .. as was originally reported. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Exactly, there wasn't any politicians at the party. It's just typical cheap shot Liberals trying to make a big happening out of nothing.

LexusLover's Avatar
Exactly, there wasn't any politicians at the party. It's just typical cheap shot Liberals trying to make a big happening out of nothing. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And based on a "police report" .... unquestioned reliability on a hooker board!
And based on a "police report" .... unquestioned reliability on a hooker board! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ya know it's not like Sarah ripped off her shirt and started throwing punches and acting totally crazy. It was her kids.

Ya know it's not like Sarah ripped off her shirt and started throwing punches and acting totally crazy. It was her kids.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well heck, we could only hope.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well heck, we could only hope. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That film would have been "viral"!

With a gang bang to follow it might have earned her a cabinet position ...

..Secretary of Human Services.
LexusLover's Avatar
It was her kids.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Apparently .... RESPONDING!

Which probably explains the Obaminable-Loyalists' responses ....

.... one is not supposed to RESPOND to violence .... with violence ...

only blame oneself for BEING PRESENT, ...

...have understanding, and ..

... ask foregiveness for HAVING BEEN PRESENT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Thanks for keeping Sarah relevant Timmietard! I didn't know you were a TEA WIPE!

(WTF smilicons added for emphasis)
Well heck, we could only hope. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Hahaha, yep you have a point there.
