Obama Supporters Threaten Riots if Romney Elected

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, some are trying scare people into voting for Obama by threatening violence if Obama is not re-elected. I thought only non-liberals were violent.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's what them Dems call democracy.
Well with that information floating around the WWW,you can rest assure many big Metro Police Depts are going to take a similar approach that Chicago's Mayor Daley took during the Democratic Nat'l Convention in 68. Daley met with Police Officials and advised them that if their efforts in keeping the piece were met with any opposition by demonstrators to put it on them good. If any of you remember they did a historical job.
LexusLover's Avatar
If any of you remember they did a historical job. Originally Posted by acp5762
That was then. This is now.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Chicago thuggery at its best.
As pissed as the right is when Obie is in office if he is reelected they will try to succeed from the union ..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-16-2012, 08:04 AM
As pissed as the right is when Obie is in office if he is reelected they will try to succeed from the union .. Originally Posted by ekim008
We can only hope.

Give the Tea Nuts Arizona I say and be done with them! They are our version of the SS Nazi's. Hey maybe we could ship them to Israel
markroxny's Avatar
Alex Jones? INFO WARS????

Have you seen his videos and other conspiracy theories?

Dude, check your source first before you jump off on a tangent like this.
Absurd. Assuming the "reporting" in this story is correct, a few idiots with twitter accounts does not a riot make. More racial scare-mongering from the repukes.
LovingKayla's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama campaigned for the election of Raila Odinga in Kenya in 2006. Odinga ran on the promise that if he was elected , he would implement Sharia law. Odinga lost the election and challenged the vote count. His supporters became so violent that Kenya was forced to share power with Odinga by allowing him to be prime minister. Obama was in contact with Odinga during the time his supporters were rioting, apparently providing strategic advice.

If Obama wins the popular vote, and loses the Electoral College vote, I think there will be rioting, similar to the aftermath of Odinga's failed election campaign in Kenya.


markroxny's Avatar
Absurd. Assuming the "reporting" in this story is correct, a few idiots with twitter accounts does not a riot make. More racial scare-mongering from the repukes. Originally Posted by timpage
Amen brother.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First of all, I'm not a Republican, and secondly, how can you determine what race they are by the posts?
markroxny's Avatar
First of all, I'm not a Republican, and secondly, how can you determine what race they are by the posts? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Dude, did you even read your own article or did you just run to post it to try to make some kind of point?

“If Mitt Romney wins the election I think its our duties as Black folks to riot and fuck shit up.”
Its' right there in your own link. The whole issue is bullshit, fear mongering and has huge racial overtones.

How much do you know about that info wars guy really? do you research before you make a knee-jerk post.
Obama campaigned for the election of Raila Odinga in Kenya in 2006. Odinga ran on the promise that if he was elected , he would implement Sharia law. Odinga lost the election and challenged the vote count. His supporters became so violent that Kenya was forced to share power with Odinga by allowing him to be prime minister. Obama was in contact with Odinga during the time his supporters were rioting, apparently providing strategic advice.

If Obama wins the popular vote, and loses the Electoral College vote, I think there will be rioting, similar to the aftermath of Odinga's election in Kenya.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6eVVVKFHu0 Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yes, the two situations are clearly analagous. We've got the African connection. The muslim Sharia connection. Odinga is black. Obama is black. Yep = Riots.
