Miss Randi, one of our own, is going through a very tough time right now due to some family medical issues. If you don't already know the details of her situation, please don't bombard her with questions at this time. Just trust me that it's really really difficult and she would greatly appreciate your help. The situation has prevented her from working for quite some time and will continue to keep her from working for who knows how long.
That's why all of the wonderful ladies featured at the bottom of this post have volunteered to donate ALL of the donations (for time and companionship) they receive on both Monday AND Tuesday (Sept. 20 & 21) to Miss Randi. So please, make an appointment with one of these ladies and know that your entire donation (plus extra if you can spare it) will go to help the nicest lady among us.
On hobby hiatus but still wish to help? You may also contact me by pm for details on how to donate without a donation changing hands.
Please also use this thread to send Miss Randi your good thoughts, as well as to thank the other ladies volunteering their time for her
Ms. Harley
Babee (Memphis)
Sydney Pure
Blond Lily