Just a comment about the North & East Texas area

North and East Texas is way, way, big. As in from Beaumont to Texarkana, from Dallas to Texarkana. Taking a wild ass guess here, that's probably about like the state of Mississippi. Ladies when you advertise be a bit more specific.

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
The ads are divided into four sub-forums to help the ladies and gents out. Yeah, the area is freaking HUGE. That's why I need a tour bus to cover it. LOL

~Ynot~'s Avatar
HID was that you who ran me off the road in your Prevost?
Hope it was loaded with girls.
Ya, and I'm *STILL* waiting for an ad forum that covers the blackhole in between Tyler, Texarkana and Wichita Falls. HINT HINT.
DallasRain's Avatar

quote---The ads are divided into four sub-forums to help the ladies and gents out. Yeah, the area is freaking HUGE. That's why I need a tour bus to cover it. LOL
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Folks, I gots no say in how dey carves shit up. I've put in the requests more than once and it ain't gone through.

I have some real world shit going down right now. Once I get it under control I'll do a thread (probably a poll) for folks to ask for carving up NET a bit more.

How about one just for Hunt County? lol
chas00's Avatar
Actually if Thabear is thinking like I do? Some of the ads read like this. Hi Everyone Just wanting to let you know I'll be in town for the next two days and would love to see you...... What town? Tyler, Texarkana, Beaumont or Wichita Falls? Most provide us with that information but when they dont? It can be frustrating not knowing. lol!
You got it Chas.
Angus, good point lol. From Greenville, Tyler is an hour and a half, Texarkana is almost 2 hours and Wichita Falls seemed to have taken forever the one time i toured there. Perhaps we could have our own little
'Redheaded Stepchild' district? Lol
~Ynot~'s Avatar
we do have our own disrict and you are our reheaded stepchild sweetheart
The 4 sub-forums at the bottom are helpful, but also, it's odd to have the provider ads section up top too. I have a feeling that a lot of the women probably post up top and don't even see the bottom. Thanks to HID, I found out about the bottom forums.
DaDiscoDoc's Avatar
I can't recall how many times I've contacted a lady who says "I'll be in your area", only to find out that Nacogdoches is not in "her" area.
I agree. Being one who lives in Hunt County-- would be nice to not have to "burn" my Texarkana ad for advertising at home. Theres a huge difference between all the areas mentioned and THIS area.
Viv, I think the red headed step child needs a spanking!