Embassy Hostage Anniversary......"Hey Iran, tell us how you REALLY feel"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, they got 'em all out for that photo!

Maybe Whiny could author a poll -- Death to:

() America

() Other
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I remember the day. I was in Karachi, Pakistan when it went down. A day later, we were on station in the Persian Gulf.
Wormser Rider types are making it happen in Sweden...


anti-immigrant Swedes

How quickly would the Islamic State jihadis that Theodor Stig-Matz would welcome into Sweden capture and behead him? Do you think they would pause long enough to commiserate with him about how racist those horrible Sweden Democrats are?

He says he was being ironic. However, Leftists all over the West have been much more willing to make common cause with Islamic supremacists and jihadis than with so-called “right-wing extremists.”

“Swedish News Site Editor: Flood Country With ISIS So Anti-Immigrant Swedes Are Exiled,” by Nick Hallett, Breitbart, November 3, 2015:

Sweden should be “filled” with Islamist terrorists so that anti-mass immigration, rural, working class Swedes are forced into exile, the opinion editor of a left-wing news site has said.

Teodor Stig-Matz wrote on Nyheter24 that he would “honestly fill the land with IS soldiers” if it meant the sort of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats (SD) disappeared.

He wrote his column as an open letter to Kent Ekeroth, a senior SD MP who has previously said that mass immigration is “Islamising” Sweden.

The firebrand politician told Breitbart London in an interview in September: “Hand grenades, rapes, violence, it all comes with immigration, to put it simply. It isn’t immigration from Norwegians or British people – it is from Middle Eastern and African Muslims.”

Now Mr Stig-Matz has written in response: “I think that we are not so different, you and I, Kent. The attitude you and your party have towards immigrants resembles the way I look at your party and voters.”

He goes on to list a number of items from Swedish working class culture that he despises, adding that the sorts of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats “talk with disgusting dialects”.

“I think you dirty our country,” he says, adding: “Your version of Swedish culture is just as meaningless as an IKEA bookcase, and equally as greasy as the béarnaise sauce you drown your food in.”

He goes on to say that while he does not share Mr Ekeroth’s views on migrants, he cannot get angry over his “xenophobia” because he feels the same towards SD supporters.

The Sweden Democrats are currently rising in the polls amid growing anger in the country at the social effects of high immigration. Even politicians from other parties are starting to worry about the migrant influx, with Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom warning the country is “facing collapse”.

Mr Stig-Matz told Breitbart London that his remark about Islamic State was ironic and that the article is supposed to be satirical.

Editor-in-Chief Henrik Eriksson said in a statement: “Here at Nyheter24 we’re not afraid to use provocative language if it helps us to shine a light on a certain subject. Sometimes exaggerations can be the proper way to handle a known issue.”

An online poll on their own website shows that 95 per cent of their readers disagreed with the article.