Are you ticklish?

pickupkid's Avatar
Do you like to be tickled?
I love to be tickled, there is a guy I have known for a few years that ties me up and tickles me for an hour... the muscles between my ribs ache for days after I see him... good times
oktickler's Avatar
This is a topic very near and dear to my heart. I also love women's feet, what a combination, right!! I've had some luck exploring here, but not like I'd hoped. Seems to be a negative stereotype associated with tickling. Most see it as big brother torturing little sister, but for me, not the case at all. I'm more sensual anderotic in how I tickle. When I've had the opportunity to introduce a provider to this side of things, all but one have said it was fun and they'd do it again. Its just finding the ones who are willing to try.