How insane can the left get?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
All the talk right now is that Trump called some third world shit holes....shit holes. Now the left is launching talks about impeachment (again) and that Trump is a racist. Never mind that it is racist of the left to assume that all shit holes have nothing but black people in them. So let's go back a few years when Obama called ISIS the "JV team". Utterly ridiculous but the left didn't lift a effeminate pinky to complain. After messing up Libya, Obama called that country a "shit show". Nothing from the left. How about when Obama called a vast number of Americans "bitter clingers"? Nothing from the left at all. How can we forget Hillary's "deplorables". You remember, that term she used to describe Americans (including veterans) where were not feeling the Obama love. We can go back to when LBJ called Afro-Americans those n*****s. LBJ correctly promised that those n******s will be voting democratic for the next hundred years. I saw that LBJ be dug up and his remains torn about by dogs. All those buildings will have to be renamed of course.

Which brings me to another point; Colbert was trying to imagine an Oprah White House. For all of you unwashed lefties out there, do you require that Oprah tune down her rhetoric? Can she come out to a press conference and yell "HELLO"? That is Oprah. How about her bombastic announcements? Kind of twits to the world. Should she be expected to stop? After all, that is what makes Oprah Oprah. Can she continue to hide her lesbianism? Isn't that dishonest? Will she have to admit that she made fools of all her supporters with that Steadman crap?

Back to other democratic highlights; Obama makes a stupid deal with Iran and gives them billions of dollars AFTER they have killed Americans and wounded thousands more. Not just a deal but a midnight deal. Trump is talking about ending that deal and all hell breaks loose on the left. Trump is going to destroy the world according to one magazine..

The left has to be careful. Like so many things what the left decries comes around to bite them on the ass so many times. Shit hole? Impeachment? Get real left wingers.
LexusLover's Avatar

The left has to be careful. Like so many things what the left decries comes around to bite them on the ass so many times. Shit hole? Impeachment? Get real left wingers. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Just let 'em do it. In fact encourage them to.

Please don't dissuade them from continuing to shoot themselves in their feet .... all four of their feet while they "oink, oink"!

Which reminds me I saw a short clip on HillariousNoMore (post defeat) sitting in a large charge (Bill was in a smaller one) with her "over coat" slightly falling to the side ... and it revealed her bulging stomach over the waistband of her fat woman pant suit. It was remarkably disgusting. She realized it and pulled her coat over IT.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2018, 07:39 AM
Just let 'em do it. In fact encourage them to.

Please don't dissuade them from continuing to shoot themselves in their feet .... all four of their feet while they "oink, oink"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
That is actually a smart political strategy , the voters in the middle that will decide many of these midterm elections do not want to hear about impeachment. I'm left of center and I think it is a stupid move but I understand their motive. They are in primary mode. When they get in contested general mode they probably will modify their stance.

Unfortunately for the right they do not have Clinton to run against.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That reminds me of a magic trick for Bill and Hillary. The magician had Hillary come up on stage. He asked her to draw a cat on a large white panel about 10 feet square. A step ladder was provided. The magician addressed the audience while Hillary mounted the ladder. The camera panned the audience and then cut back to magician with wide shot...they needed a wide shot because the magician and Hillary's ass were both in frame. Her ass was huge! Really, it must have been three feet across. They quickly panned away and never went back to that shot again. You can't even find it on YouTube.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If the shit was on the other shoe, you’d be OK with it, I’m sure.

According to the RWWipes on this board the only real America is a brownshirted, goose stepping devotee of the Turd Reich,

That isn’t America.

That’s why Twitler and ALL OF YOU IDIOTS need to go.
LexusLover's Avatar
Her ass was huge! Really, it must have been three feet across. They quickly panned away and never went back to that shot again. You can't even find it on YouTube. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It's tough to advertise Twinkies with that showing! Or tennies!

AssUp would be challenged with that ass ... even if she let him he'd still have to ...

Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're full of shit.
You can't address any trump action without trying to add in the person who lost the election. Over a year ago.
Trump is a racist. Then you call the left racist because you assume they assume.....the color has nothing to do with it.
Total red herring by you.
Called ISIS JV? Who gives a shit? That has nothing to do with trump being a racist. Another red herring.
Shit show. How is that racist? He was referring to a single country that killed our ambassador (you must have somehow forgotten that), was embroiled in civil war, and is on our travel ban list now (you must have forgotten that too).
Sounds like a shit show to me. Inappropriate comment but not a racist one.
LBJ was a racist too. He also got one of the most significant pieces of legislation in our nation's history through Congress.
It didn't give the vast majority of its benefits to the top income bracket. LBJ was racist who tried and succeeded to do the right thing.
All the talk right now is that Trump called some third world shit holes....shit holes.
You split his total fuck-ups into single events.
In case you're too stupid to notice, the total number of his actions, when taken as a measure of the douche-bag himself,
add up to a person unqualified and unsuited to running the country and to represent us to the world.
Now the left is launching talks about impeachment (again) and that Trump is a racist. Never mind that it is racist of the left to assume that all shit holes have nothing but black people in them. So let's go back a few years when Obama called ISIS the "JV team". Utterly ridiculous but the left didn't lift a effeminate pinky to complain. After messing up Libya, Obama called that country a "shit show". Nothing from the left. How about when Obama called a vast number of Americans "bitter clingers"? Many are. Nothing from the left at all. How can we forget Hillary's "deplorables". You remember, that term she used to describe Americans (including veterans) where were not feeling the Obama love. Now you're lying. She didn't call them that because they weren't "feeling the Obama love". Post a link to that description. We can go back to when LBJ called Afro-Americans those n*****s. LBJ correctly promised that those n******s will be voting democratic for the next hundred years.How could he promise that? He predicted that because he knew the kind of candidates the repubs run. They don't give a shit about low-income people. Renamed like the traitors to the US are having their statues removed? No, he's fine. But it's about time they removed tributes to traitors. I saw that LBJ be dug up and his remains torn about by dogs. All those buildings will have to be renamed of course.

Which brings me to another point; Colbert was trying to imagine an Oprah White House. For all of you unwashed lefties out there, do you require that Oprah tune down her rhetoric? Can she come out to a press conference and yell "HELLO"? That is Oprah. How about her bombastic announcements? Kind of twits to the world. Should she be expected to stop? After all, that is what makes Oprah Oprah. Can she continue to hide her lesbianism? Isn't that dishonest? Will she have to admit that she made fools of all her supporters with that Steadman crap?

Back to other democratic highlights; Obama makes a stupid deal with Iran and gives them billions of dollars AFTER they have killed Americans and wounded thousands more. Not just a deal but a midnight deal. Trump is talking about ending that deal and all hell breaks loose on the left. Trump is going to destroy the world according to one magazine..

The left has to be careful. Like so many things what the left decries comes around to bite them on the ass so many times. Shit hole? Impeachment? Get real left wingers. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
None of your skewed "facts" has anything to do with trump being racist.
Just another classic, misrepresented, mostly false and irrelevant jdouche post,

Just let 'em do it. In fact encourage them to.

Please don't dissuade them from continuing to shoot themselves in their feet .... all four of their feet while they "oink, oink"!

Which reminds me I saw a short clip on HillariousNoMore (post defeat) sitting in a large charge (Bill was in a smaller one) with her "over coat" slightly falling to the side ... and it revealed her bulging stomach over the waistband of her fat woman pant suit. It was remarkably disgusting. She realized it and pulled her coat over IT. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump is the 3rd fattest president. You are top 2 for the bloviating hypocrites on this site.

That reminds me of a magic trick for Bill and Hillary. The magician had Hillary come up on stage. He asked her to draw a cat on a large white panel about 10 feet square. A step ladder was provided. The magician addressed the audience while Hillary mounted the ladder. The camera panned the audience and then cut back to magician with wide shot...they needed a wide shot because the magician and Hillary's ass were both in frame. Her ass was huge! Really, it must have been three feet across. They quickly panned away and never went back to that shot again. You can't even find it on YouTube. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
3 feet? She is nowhere near trump's size. Plenty of youtube showing them next to each other.

It's tough to advertise Twinkies with that showing! Or tennies!

AssUp would be challenged with that ass ... even if she let him he'd still have to ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
For someone who has averaged over 27 posts a day for the last 350 days you sure don't have shit to say.
What a fucking loser.
StandinStraight's Avatar
All the talk right now is that Trump called some third world shit holes....shit holes. Now the left is launching talks about impeachment (again) and that Trump is a racist. Never mind that it is racist of the left to assume that all shit holes have nothing but black people in them. So let's go back a few years when Obama called ISIS the "JV team". Utterly ridiculous but the left didn't lift a effeminate pinky to complain. After messing up Libya, Obama called that country a "shit show". Nothing from the left. How about when Obama called a vast number of Americans "bitter clingers"? Nothing from the left at all. How can we forget Hillary's "deplorables". You remember, that term she used to describe Americans (including veterans) where were not feeling the Obama love. We can go back to when LBJ called Afro-Americans those n*****s. LBJ correctly promised that those n******s will be voting democratic for the next hundred years. I saw that LBJ be dug up and his remains torn about by dogs. All those buildings will have to be renamed of course.

Which brings me to another point; Colbert was trying to imagine an Oprah White House. For all of you unwashed lefties out there, do you require that Oprah tune down her rhetoric? Can she come out to a press conference and yell "HELLO"? That is Oprah. How about her bombastic announcements? Kind of twits to the world. Should she be expected to stop? After all, that is what makes Oprah Oprah. Can she continue to hide her lesbianism? Isn't that dishonest? Will she have to admit that she made fools of all her supporters with that Steadman crap?

Back to other democratic highlights; Obama makes a stupid deal with Iran and gives them billions of dollars AFTER they have killed Americans and wounded thousands more. Not just a deal but a midnight deal. Trump is talking about ending that deal and all hell breaks loose on the left. Trump is going to destroy the world according to one magazine..

The left has to be careful. Like so many things what the left decries comes around to bite them on the ass so many times. Shit hole? Impeachment? Get real left wingers. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The problem with your reasoning is that most of what you said is Fox News propaganda that has no basis in reality, the only people that would understand your rant are others brainwashed by Fox News .
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Another impeachment moron????
Libya is a shit hole. Obama and Hillary made sure of that.
Killed our ambassador? Haven't you heard, that was an unrelated civil demonstration and had nothing to do with factions trying to rule the country. It was all about a video.
Feeling the Obama love was not a quote idiot. I don't have to link to anything.
Yeah, those "traitors" were all democrat icons.
Skewed facts? I know that life is difficult for the terminally stupid but don't us for your problems.
Besides William Howard Taft who was the other fat president? Is this attack based on body fat, weight to height, or some voodoo thing?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Another impeachment moron????
Libya is a shit hole. Obama and Hillary made sure of that.
Killed our ambassador? Haven't you heard, that was an unrelated civil demonstration and had nothing to do with factions trying to rule the country. It was all about a video.
Feeling the Obama love was not a quote idiot. I don't have to link to anything.
Yeah, those "traitors" were all democrat icons.
Skewed facts? I know that life is difficult for the terminally stupid but don't us for your problems.
Besides William Howard Taft who was the other fat president? Is this attack based on body fat, weight to height, or some voodoo thing? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Thanks for proving my point by showing your ignorance! Your all about tabloid news and racist rants.

Saying that Hillary Clinton killed a ambassador shows your lost in Fox News.

Also Hillary’s deplorable statement was spot on, her only mistake was trying to soften it.
I have travelled and lived all around the world. Lived in Jakarta for years.
Indonesia is a other way to put it. But man...some best, cheapest whorehouses. Forget Thailand. Go to Jakarta for the time of your life. Threesome for two hours about 50-60. Once did the 3 stacked pussies for 100. Google Jakarta nightlife. Stacked pussy will make you forget how crappy a country is outside. It is perfectly fine to say Shithole Country. Oh and by the way it is the largest Muslim country in the world. And the reality is most of the men like to get fucked up and fuck whores. Even the chicks that aren't whores have a price and it ain't high. They are dying to get out of that Shithole. What is Fagspeak for Shithole Country? I haven't finished my education
In the Rise and Fall of Shithole Countries, but I know one when I see one. By the way 100 percent tariff on most American goods. Many Chinese in Indonesia. They are hated. Oh and they burn Christian Churches without worry. Gotta stop...stress...Shithole Country. Relax...3 stack pussy...3 stack pussy...3 stack pussy...3 stack pussy...
The Indonesians love Obama and feel he is or was Muslim. Their cannot attend a Muslim school if you are not Muslim. I explained why I didn't like Obama. Explained welfare, food stamps, section 8, Obama phones etc. And how much it cost taxpayers. They couldn't believe it. In money no healthcare...period. There welfare system is digging thru the garbage.
Oh and the Texas Muslim Clock Bomb Boy. Showed at least 12 Indos...their reply...Bomb. Then told them the rest of the story. The look of disbelief. But of course your run of the mill libtard will berate me and tell me I know nothing about Muslims. Tell me i am lying when I tell the Story of a good friend forced to move to protect his unmarried pregnant daughter. I honestly could care less what religion you practice. But I have seen older women struggling to survive because the man has 3 wives and only takes care of the young poon. But what do i know. Surely some pasty white knight knows more about Shithole Countries than I do. Omg...freakin Angola will make a grown man cry...Shithole country.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're full of shit.
You can't address any trump action without trying to add in the person who lost the election. Over a year ago.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You keep discussing yourself as though you are speaking of others.

I realize that fools like you would prefer to erase all of the hypocrisy of the Liberals (and yours), but that is the point of history: reflect upon it to compare with the current status of affairs to determine "how we are doing"!

But we can't ERASE our heritage no matter how many statues are destroyed or books burned. And we shouldn't. In every journey there is a point "A" and a final destination with some points sometimes in between. If we don't keep track of point "A" we may not make it to our final destination.

There's a value in history. Too bad you didn't study it.

Oh, yea. You are the poster girl for just how fucked up the Liberals can get!

(And all this time you've claimed to be the "world traveler"!)
I wonder how a Nimby Beta Male would react after Ramadan, to his Muslim neighbors hanging out in the backyard slitting the throats of a dozen goats...and the laughing as a goat runs around spurting blood on a smiling toddler. Imagine the bleating of a dozen wide eyed goats. Imagine Beta Males reaction when a smiling 12 year old girl,with a mangled pussy, brings her Christian hating neighbor a bloody newspaper wrapped goats head. But of course I don't know shit.