Question for all of the 'Fire and Fury' book worshipers...

gfejunkie's Avatar
If, as Michael Wolff alleges in this book of his, that Donald Trump did not want to win the presidency, never intended to win it, in fact, actively wanted to lose. He was running for other reasons, and if his wife, Melania Trump, never did believe that they were gonna win and was assured by her husband not to worry, he wasn’t going to win, he wasn’t serious about winning, so upset she was crying on election night, could somebody explain to me why, then, Trump was colluding with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton?

Maybe in your twisted logic it makes sense somehow, but I don't get it. If you don't intend to win why do you need the Russian's help?
StandinStraight's Avatar
If, as Michael Wolff alleges in this book of his, that Donald Trump did not want to win the presidency, never intended to win it, in fact, actively wanted to lose. He was running for other reasons, and if his wife, Melania Trump, never did believe that they were gonna win and was assured by her husband not to worry, he wasn’t going to win, he wasn’t serious about winning, so upset she was crying on election night, could somebody explain to me why, then, Trump was colluding with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton?

Maybe in your twisted logic it makes sense somehow, but I don't get it. If you don't intend to win why do you need the Russian's help? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That’s easy, just because you think your not going to win doesn’t mean you don’t try. Plus Trump and his cronies had no choice but to collude with Russia because they were compromised and Putin was calling the shots, using trump as a patsy.
gfejunkie's Avatar
That's what I thought... Twisted logic.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's what I thought... Twisted logic. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You give "logic" a whole new meaning.

This is where StandingInShit deposits his "logic"!

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  • 01-13-2018, 08:13 AM

Maybe in your twisted logic it makes sense somehow, but I don't get it. If you don't intend to win why do you need the Russian's help? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I haven't read the book , nor intend to but that is an easy question to answer.

He planned on continuing doing business with Russians. They make up a huge % of his buyers. It is why he will not speak ill of Putin.

He wanted to suck up to Putin.

Trump does everything for Trump.

Tax cuts for the wealthy?

Benefits Trump twice....personally and more folks to his property praising him.
LexusLover's Avatar
WhatTheFuckDoIKnow doesn't need to read fabrications. He makes his own!

And deposits his here also ...

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe in your twisted logic it makes sense somehow, but I don't get it. If you don't intend to win why do you need the Russian's help? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Let me guess. You were trying to attract the loons over here into this thread so they would become embroiled in an interpretation of a book they'd never read while reading the mind of a man they'd never met .... and never will meet!!!!

Notice how "easy" it is for fake people to make up shit?

StandingInshit and WhatTheFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g ... just did~!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-13-2018, 08:40 AM
WhatTheFuckDoIKnow doesn't need to read fabrications. He makes his own!

And deposits his here also ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I shit in your potty ass mouth...

WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-13-2018, 08:43 AM
Let me guess. You were trying to attract the loons over here into this thread so they would become embroiled in an interpretation of a book they'd never read while reading the mind of a man they'd never met .... and never will meet!!!!

~! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nobody can read minds...I base my thoughts on his actions, not his words.

I met Trump in Lake Tahoe btw.

I used to go to that event every year. Pussy everywhere.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hillary lost, get over it.
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  • 01-13-2018, 08:54 AM
Hillary lost, get over it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Tell that to the dipshit OP....he started the stupid thread asking obvious questions. Trump ran for Trump, simple.

He is who he has always been. Anybody thinks he gives a shit about them is delusional.
I haven't read the book , nor intend to but that is an easy question to answer.

He planned on continuing doing business with Russians. They make up a huge % of his buyers. It is why he will not speak ill of Putin.

He wanted to suck up to Putin.

Trump does everything for Trump.

Tax cuts for the wealthy?

Benefits Trump twice....personally and more folks to his property praising him. Originally Posted by WTF
You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

LexusLover's Avatar
You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He's afraid his check will get smaller!

But you remember the scratched records, don't you? That's why he sounds like a parrot. He heard that phrase and keeps repeating it. He's stuck in a scratch!

Like some of the other shit he expels he actually believes that the more one repeats it the more believable he gets. Like his fabrications.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Toilet paper works better for what that book attempts to be qualified for.
LexusLover's Avatar
Toilet paper works better for what that book attempts to be qualified for. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Doesn't clog the septic system.