Mia Love says Trump should say he is sorry about ShitHole comment

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  • 01-14-2018, 08:08 AM

The Utah representative, whose family is from Haiti, called on the president to apologize and said his remarks were “unkind” and “divisive.”
“The President’ comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries but proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with,” Love said in a statement on Thursday..

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Representative Love, whom I gave money to, should remember that only ONE person with a lengthy history of lying says that Trump said those words. No one has backed up Durbin's account of events. A shaky hand at best.
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  • 01-14-2018, 08:32 AM
Representative Love, whom I gave money to, should remember that only ONE person with a lengthy history of lying says that Trump said those words. No one has backed up Durbin's account of events. A shaky hand at best. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Lindsey Graham did not deny Trump said it. In fact all but admitted as much. Nobody has denied he said it but Trump. Nobody else has said it is a lie. Whole room full of Senators and Congressmen. Nobody is denying he said it

I guess you believe Trump when he said he wasn't making fun of the disabled reporter when he was caught on video of making fun of the disabled reported!

Look, I do not even think it that bad...except he is President and it shows what a dumbfuck he is for not knowing that you can't say stupid shit like that as President. Then lie about saying it. Which is worse but par for this Presidents course. MoFo can lie like no other.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDrunk to the rescue!!!
JCM800's Avatar
Representative Love, whom I gave money to, should remember that only ONE person with a lengthy history of lying says that Trump said those words. No one has backed up Durbin's account of events. A shaky hand at best. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trump is the only one denying it ...is he now some sort of beacon of truth?

It sure is easy being a Trump supporter when everything negative about him can be summed up as fake news I guess.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I watched the head of Homeland Security deny that he said it this morning on Fox News Sunday. None, read that, NONE of the other participants have confirmed that it was said. Only Durbin said it happened that way he said it.
JCM800's Avatar
Not everyone is needed to confirm something that at this point is common knowledge. Even your favorite news network confirmed the report.

The Utah representative, whose family is from Haiti, called on the president to apologize and said his remarks were “unkind” and “divisive.”
“The President’ comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries but proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with,” Love said in a statement on Thursday..

Originally Posted by WTF
Mia's parents came from one of those nations, why? Could it be because it was a shithole, lol. Instead of making their shithole nation a better place to live individuals from those nations seek to come to America for a better life. Then they bash a president for calling their former country a shithole ,which is essentially why they left it in the first place. The problem most people are having with what Trump says is he makes it real and very few people can handle it. Now, I don't exactly condone his choice of words, but I can handle it. Furthermore Trump has no obligation to apologize it won't change a thing. He said what he said and everyone knows what he meant. The people from those countries know what he meant because they've lived it first hand.

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  • 01-14-2018, 05:04 PM
The problem most people are having with what Trump says is he makes it real and very few people can handle it. Now, I don't exactly condone his choice of words, but I can handle it.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I can handle it too.

The problem is not that it is true, the problem is that he is the leader of the free world and needs to act like it.

If he goes into a poor person house not as nice as his should he call it a Shithole? He has a higher standard than you or I to not talk like that.
I can handle it too.

The problem is not that it is true, the problem is that he is the leader of the free world and needs to act like it.

If he goes into a poor person house not as nice as his should he call it a Shithole? He has a higher standard than you or I to not talk like that. Originally Posted by WTF
I know words have impact especially when coming from a president or a candidate for president. Hillary Clinton received just as much flak when she referred to a whole population of people as " Deplorable" for supporting her opponent Donald Trump. Apparently people support her statement because they still use it in reference to Trump supporters a few in here do regularly.

Guest010619's Avatar
To me big question here is...
Why is everyone putting this much effort into a simple use of a derogatory word and not up in arms over the Clinton’s and their scam Global Initiative for taking money meant for Haitian earthquake victims and keeping it for their own use. Thereby leaving Haiti as a bigger shithole.
Why is it that Haiti, which occupies the same other half of the island that makes up Dominican Republic and which is thriving, can’t pull themselves up out of poverty and despair. Even with an influx of 350 million in cash they somehow still can’t bring themselves out of poverty.
I can handle it too.

The problem is not that it is true, the problem is that he is the leader of the free world and needs to act like it.

If he goes into a poor person house not as nice as his should he call it a Shithole? He has a higher standard than you or I to not talk like that. Originally Posted by WTF

It's a "shithole" distraction, WTF and you know it...

#FusionCollusion – Congress Takes 3-Prong Approach To Surround Corrupt Intelligence and Justice Officials…

Posted on January 14, 2018 by sundance

There is an interesting dynamic unfolding with White Hats and Black Hats amid the story of how political forces within the DOJ and FBI conspired with Clinton allies in the 2016 presidential election, ie. “The Trump Operation”. [Hi Glenn, Jim, Andy]

Back-story – There are two central components:

♦First, corruption within the DOJ and FBI that included their use of unlawful use of FISA-702 exploits; and ♦second, how that intelligence information was extracted, passed along to those outside government, repackaged, and reconstituted into the “Steele Dossier”. The finished, albeit sketchy, intelligence was later returned to the FBI to request lawful FISA court surveillance authority. It is a circle of “intelligence laundering”.

We know the DOJ (National Security Division), and FBI (Counterintelligence Division), worked together on the enterprise. This collaboration is where the insider “small group” participants assemble, intersect and ultimately redistribute themselves into the Mueller investigation with the help of Mueller’s adviser, FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker

The Players, “Insiders”:

DOJ side: Asst. Attorney General Sally Yates, Asst. AG Head of National Security Division John P Carlin; Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr; and legal liaison between Main Justice and FBI, Attorney Lisa Page.

FBI side: FBI Director Jim Comey; Asst. FBI Director Andrew McCabe; Director of Counterintelligence W.H. “Bill Priestap”; FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker; and lead FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok.

Outsiders (The Dossier Crew):

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson; the wife of Simpson, Mary B. Jacoby; a hired private contractor, familiar with CIA operations, Nellie Ohr (also wife of DOJ team insider Bruce Ohr); contracted former British MI6 Agent and head of Russia House, Christopher Steele (also attributed authorship of ‘Dossier’).

♦The basic enterprise seems pretty straightforward albeit corrupt as hell. During a period of November 2015 through April 18th 2016, Justice Department political insiders and outside political contractors, including Fusion-GPS, accessed the NSA and FBI database using FISA-702(17) “About Queries”. They gathered information on candidate Hillary Clinton’s political opposition including Donald Trump campaign officials and affiliates.

This was essentially deep state political opposition research being conducted inside government for a considerable period of time. The information, gathered on Clinton’s political opposition, was then weaponized against the candidacy of Donald Trump.

After being instructed by NSA Director Mike Rogers to conduct a full FISA audit, the NSA compliance officer began querying DOJ and FBI activity. As the compliance investigation closed in on the operation, FBI officials grew nervous. Eventually contractor access to ongoing FISA intelligence was blocked effective April 18th, 2016.

We discover this activity from testimony given by Director Rogers, and from Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats releasing a partially redacted FISC ruling in April 2017.

The FISC ruling details the events throughout 2016. When the full story is finally out, I think many people will understand why DNI Dan Coats made that decision. The unprecedented 2017 FISC transparency appears to have been part of a well developed anti-corruption strategy leading all the way to today.

In the April 2017 ruling, the FISA Court (FISC) noted there was no reason to doubt the November 2015 through April 2016 “compliance error rate” was less severe than previous compliance error rates going back to 2012 (pg 82); in essence, the abuse of FISA searches by FBI contractors was systemic over multiple years:

The unlawfully obtained FISA intelligence information appears to end up at a central collection unit, Fusion GPS. There are many participating members within Fusion; however, the key figures in this specific enterprise are husband and wife Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby. Mary Jacoby’s relationship with the Clintons’ goes all the way back to the Rose Law Firm. Mary Jacoby also brings the “Dossier Trail” to the White House.

Fusion-GPS had been pushing a Russian-centric narrative for several months prior to being hired by Hillary Clinton, via her law firm Perkins Coie, in April of 2016.

After being contracted by Clinton, Fusion then hired Russian expert and CIA network ally Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ deputy Bruce Ohr.

All research indicates that Nellie Ohr then loosely contextualized the extracted data into a draft or written narrative/story-line that painted a false story of loose connections between candidate Donald Trump and Russian entities.

Ms. Ohr’s transcripts then get passed along to another Fusion contractor, Christopher Steele; a retired MI6 agent who was also head of the intelligence gathering unit in the U.K. known as The ‘Russia House’. Presumably the Fusion intelligence hand-off to Steele was to give the Ohr transcript some independent Chris Steele intelligence bona fides.

After an undetermined amount of back-and-forth transcript editing and memo assemblies, the joint collaboration between Fusion’s Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele appears to have become the “Trump-Russia Steele Dossier”. [There are several key indications within the finished Dossier that show Chris Steele did not author much of the content.]

Additionally, if you directly follow all media reporting on the dossier’s construct and origin, you’ll note the finished product was exclusively the assembled and proprietary work of Fusion-GPS, NOT Christopher Steele.

Even John McCain had to get his copy from Glenn Simpson at Fusion-GPS, despite McCain’s intermediary, David Kramer, meeting with Steele in England to discuss the content. Glenn Simpson and Fusion-GPS are also facing numerous lawsuits as it relates to the content of the dossier. Christopher Steele is refusing to answer questions except in court. The goal of gaining intelligence credibility for the dossier was a one-way street.

As Hillary Clinton and U.S. media now attempt to distance themselves from the Dossier, they cannot escape the fact that Clinton hired Glenn Simpson (Fusion-GPS) and ultimately they created the Dossier.

In short, Hillary Clinton cannot claim be hoodwinked by Russian disinformation within a document that she created. Hence, Clinton has a dossier problem, and it will not go away.

However, that said, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley completely predicted that “hoodwinked by the Russians” would be the fall-back position by Clinton and the FBI/DOJ insider team as it relates to their connection to the dossier content.

Accordingly, Senator Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham sent the FBI a referral for criminal prosecution of Christopher Steele based on statements from FBI agents who attributed statements to Steele; those second-hand accounts conflict with known evidence about the dossier content. –SEE HERE– Grassley is calling the FBI’s bluff and demanding they investigate the horrible British fibber while knowing the fibber isn’t Steele – it’s the FBI.

♦ Because the scale of the Fusion/FBI/DOJ collusion story is so large in its overall impact, the congressional and Trump administration White Hats are conducting a three-pronged attack on the conspiracy teams.

They are working in concert:

(L-R) Bob Goodlatte, Chuck Grassley, Devin Nunes

•House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is focused on the FISA abuse; and overall abuse from the larger intelligence community (FBI, CIA, ODNI and NSA). The FISA-702 angle is his leverage to reveal it.

•Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is focused on the Dossier fraud; and the overall DOJ and FBI corruption. The Steele Dossier is his leverage to reveal it.

•House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte is focused on the FBI and DOJ corruption; and his leverage is the Office of Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, and the year-long IG investigation that just turned over 1.2 million pages of investigative documents.

Nunes, Grassley and Goodlatte are working in concert, each with a specific attack strategy that targets the larger swamp defense. Next week they begin the three-pronged attack we call “THE BIG UGLY“.

The Big Ugly is the wrecking ball that will shatter the front line swamp defenses and allow the draining to begin. The plan for this strategy was developed almost a year ago.

ODNI Dan Coats, NSA Director Mike Rogers, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Asst. AG Rod Rosenstein have each played a significant role in preparing the landscape and armory for this conflict.

Congressional allies like Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis will be working toward messaging and clearing the fog from the media.

It is not accidental that Ron DeSantis has asked Speaker Ryan to declassify everything…. only a week before Devin Nunes announces his request for the full house to see everything declassified and without redaction. These are Big Ugly cannon shots into the heart of deception.

Chairman Devin Nunes, Chairman Chuck Grassley and Chairman Bob Goodlatte are now in position to use all the information provided by: Dan Coats (FISA), Mike Rogers (FISA), Michael Horowitz (DOJ IG report); and Rosenstein (DOJ/FBI reports); while leaving clean hands for FBI Christopher Wray and DOJ Jeff Sessions to watch from the hilltops and prepare to rebuild the entire justice department in the aftermath.

Additionally, guardian intelligence hero, NSA Mike Rogers is retiring; that will now allow him the ability to speak without restraint before any committee or hearing. Chairman Bob Goodlatte is not running for re-election; cleaning up the DOJ will be his legacy initiative.

Relax and enjoy this upcoming week.

You’re worth it….
themystic's Avatar
I know words have impact especially when coming from a president or a candidate for president. Hillary Clinton received just as much flak when she referred to a whole population of people as " Deplorable" for supporting her opponent Donald Trump. Apparently people support her statement because they still use it in reference to Trump supporters a few in here do regularly.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
What’s the Russian word for deplorable. I think that would be more fitting
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  • 01-14-2018, 06:25 PM
It's a "shithole" distraction, WTF and you know it... G] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
yeah like Benghazi wasn't a distraction
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  • 01-14-2018, 06:26 PM
I know words have impact especially when coming from a president or a candidate for president. Hillary Clinton received just as much flak when she referred to a whole population of people as " Deplorable" for supporting her opponent Donald Trump. Apparently people support her statement because they still use it in reference to Trump supporters a few in here do regularly.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So the Deplorable are being hypocrites?

You do understand that she paid a big price for that and is not President?