LBJ article on segregationist & racists

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there was another article I wanted to post. This was an LBJ article. but I can't find it. I googled and yahooed every term I could think of. can't find the link to post.

I read it in my local newspaper's op ed section. I don't remember the name of the writer. Looked up Cohen, Lowry, Dionne, Goldberg. There are other writers I offhand don't remember.

I think he was one of those people who didn't like Trump based on past writings.

The writer of the article had an interesting nuanced take on LBJ's 2 comments. one was "we delivered the South to the Republican party" and the other was "we'll have blacks voting for the democratic party for 200 years".

His nuance take was that LBJ unknowingly damaged the Republican party by shoving the segregationist and racist voters into that party.

so, you had these 2 strategies at play concurrently (LBJ's and Nixon's southern strategy)

my thought was that there was some truth to that analysis. It did take a very long time for the South to turn red. If there were any segregationist and racists, they are not around in any real significant numbers.

what do you think.
I don't think LBJ ever shoved the racists or segregationists into the republican party.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't think LBJ ever shoved the racists or segregationists into the republican party. Originally Posted by garhkal
I was talking about the southern voters who were at the time mostly racist and segregationist

so no, he didn't shove them, but that was the effect he did by signing the civil rights act of 1965. They voluntary shifted sides. He made a fair number of segregationists and racists unhappy with what he did by signing the civil rights bill. LBJ's War on Poverty legislation took some of that sting out.

LBJ is a funny guy... he was a racist and a segregationist, and he was doing that not out of the kindness of his heart, but to enhance his power and the power of the democratic party.