Just another age question.

j_mack4u's Avatar
Opposite of the age question below for the younger man, how do you providers feel about older men? I know I feel kind of guilty and sorry for the young provider that has deal with my sorry old ass but i sure do like the look and feel of a younger lady! Thank you for all you ladies that are willing to see us older guys, we love you!
I often ask the providers what the average age is for the typical provider. They tell me that most of us are in the 40-60 range. Providers feel free to chime in here. Some providers seem to attract younger guys others older men….I think it has something to do with the way they market. One popular provider had an interesting comment, she said. “I really like older men, I feel uncomfortable if someone close to my age comes.” I’m with you on feeling a little guilty at times. Hey if she could be your 21 year old granddaughter are you too old?
Someone ought to do the survey post, vote for
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
All ages I see from (25-70... on on)...I love all men of ages..I'm also well mature provider at my age.

"Survey thread" would be cool so everyone can vote wee hehe..
I started in the hobby when I was 26 but got really serious when I was 30. I am now about to be 40 and I am hobbying more now than when I was younger. Part of it is I have more hobby funds and the other part is seeing hot girls of all ages. I love the horny MILF's with experience and the younger eye candy. I would like to know at what age do you stop hobbying? Eventually there may be health and medical reasons but I plan to do this for a very long time.
j_mack4u's Avatar
Because of circumstances I just started hobbying at the ripe ole age of 57. So far I've seen providers from 19-45 yo. If I had the finances I'd visit more of them and more often. I haven't met one I didn't thouroughly enjoy yet!
j_mack4u's Avatar
Love to meet you someday Sonya ;-)
ammonite's Avatar
Lol well I'm in the upper range and I would hope that knowledge and ablility count for something.
You know you might be getting too old when that 45 year old MILF out NE of here...who is really 50 something.... looks too young for you.
j_mack4u's Avatar
LOL! Not quite there yet although she does look pretty damn good 2 me
alamomike's Avatar
Looks and attitude do it for me. . . . . .
I prefer my generous lovely guests to be in their 30's and onward. I am not in my twenties but I'm not an archive either!!!
I like guys of ALL AGES!!

Love you to Jmack! Hope your doing alright
sanantonioman37's Avatar
age does not matter to me, as long as a woman has nice legs and like the song goes, knows how to use them.................i'm good.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

hmmmm, for some the provider's age is a control factor in their choice of ladies more on the lines of S&M, for some age is an ego boost.... Machoism....( alpha male, socially and physically dominating and imposing his will upon women.... sort of speaking)

When I was in my 20's, my clients where in there 40's and wanted to be a father figure and tried to teach me or break me in ..aheheheh .....but I learned most of my skills (bj's) from the twenty year olds I was dating when I was 16....

Now that I'm an experienced women, I find the my clients ages vary from 24-85....Which age do I prefer....hmmmm, I can't say age is the factor...I enjoy the ones that enjoy pleasing a woman and in turn being pleased.........

DallasRain's Avatar
I like aged 26 to aged 80...as long as we both can have a wild time,its all good!!!