
Cendell M's Avatar
Pitrooms/shinepro back found him out on oh2 lol he will never hide his self he just can’t do it
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes dear, we know.
He's already been trashed in one of the review forums.
Cendell M's Avatar
Oh ok, I caught him on h2 he ain’t foolin nobody he’s over there crying now ugh thought we had a break
Yes dear, we know.
He's already been trashed in one of the review forums. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You know, but yet he (Jetsetlife) is not banned for circumventing the system. I will never understand that.
Cendell M's Avatar
You know, but yet he (Jetsetlife) is not banned for circumventing the system. I will never understand that. Originally Posted by Bowser98
This, he keeps doing it because no one bans him for multiple handles only the shit he pulls!

UC I adore you but do us all a favor puhlease!
winn dixie's Avatar
Some are really good at catfishin. Pretending to be someone else.
Cendell you're prolly right that jetslife is pit. I'm not doubting that. But if staff is wrong it effects his banned lift date. Staff has to be careful. It's frustrating I know.
I've been catfished several times on oh2. Receiving blame and alerts I had nothing to do with. That owner let that crap stay up. Ohh well.
Staff here gets frustrated about multi handles that's for sure. I'm glad that they investigate properly.

For UC.....
IF I've gotten off topic in any way?
I blame it on Ms Cendells avatar!
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ Lol you’re funny!

I agree but Pitroom aka shinepro aka Jestslife all have the same persona he talks like pitpoo there’s no hiding it, he whines like him it’s just to similar

He had handles on standby when he gets banned, he hasn’t posted on h2 since 8/28/2023 and here comes Jestslife whining he going to rtm me cause I call him out, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t know 100%. Js…
Cendell M's Avatar
He’s been banned on h2 ole fool
It's really sad and unhinged behavior for someone to make a thread about little ol me. I don't bother anyone. Pretty much stay out the way. Especially by someone who is realizing a little bit too late that this is a young woman's game. I honestly feel bad for older ladies in this business in all honesty. Op you are a walking billboard of unhinged behavior.

For those that are on the fence, the smart ones are now saying nah. Like the level of fucking with me is at an all time high. This is entertainment. Not real life. Just entertainment. Well for you Op it seems like it's your life. Only thing needs to happen here is for whoever runs this site to tell you to just leave me alone. No one does what you do. Kind of scary especially from someone who is known to go off on weird temper tantrums. Your saving grace is you have guys personal info and selfies so they are afraid of you. This is Harrasment. Please leave me alone
Cendell M's Avatar
Oh Pitroom nothing you say bothers me, you should not be able to deceive women and moderators with your multiple handles plain and simple. From shinepro to pitpoo to jetsetlife you are not special. So answer the question why did you get banned from oh2? I know, for multiple handles. Your low life ass ain’t foolin nobody you can’t Keep YOUR handles under control because YOU have unhinged behavior and I’ll keep calling you out till you’re banned.

I have plenty business but you contribute nothing but lies and drama on these boards and with these members so don’t tell me I have no business here I’m still getting business and will continue to! While you have to continue to make fake handles for anyone to even see you! Poor girls who don’t screen like me, this is what happens. Toodlez….
winn dixie's Avatar
Thread can be closed now!

TOODLEZ Has been posted......
Guys follow her Snapchat. You'll see her actual face then you'll realize that she ain't worth the trouble. How am I unhinged when I never even mention you . You are in here all day every day fucking with me and I would never see you. So again leave me alone and I'll do the same. Any rational personal realizes something is wrong with you
winn dixie's Avatar

Again.. Toodlez has been posted.
Thread over
Cendell M's Avatar
Guys follow her Snapchat. You'll see her actual face then you'll realize that she ain't worth the trouble. How am I unhinged when I never even mention you . You are in here all day every day fucking with me and I would never see you. So again leave me alone and I'll do the same. Any rational personal realizes something is wrong with you Originally Posted by Jetsetlife
Haha I don’t have snap chat haha Lies again
Cendell M's Avatar
Thread can be closed now!

TOODLEZ Has been posted...... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Lol TooD LeZ….