YR- "The rest of the world has got to stop meddling in our affairs."

  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2019, 12:40 PM
YR - I agree with on that.

However, the US needs to get out of meddling in other countries' business - for the sad excuse of "National Security"
We got no business in Afghanistan, having troops in Europe,Korea, or the Middle East.

America is the greatest Meddler of all nations.
A favorite activity of Clinton and Obama.
Bring our troops home - and protect our Borders.

To hell with America being the world's Policeman!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
YR - I agree with on that.

However, the US needs to get out of meddling in other countries' business - for the sad excuse of "National Security"
We got no business in Afghanistan, having troops in Europe,Korea, or the Middle East.

America is the greatest Meddler of all nations.
A favorite activity of Clinton and Obama.
Bring our troops home - and protect our Borders.

To hell with America being the world's Policeman! Originally Posted by oeb11
Interesting. The U.S. got involved in Afghanistan in late 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. The U.S. got involved in Iraq in 2003. George Bush was POTUS at both times. Neither Clinton nor Obama had anything to do with being the first deploying troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Europe, Korea, or the Middle East.

Yes I agree that we should bring our troops home and we should not be the world's policeman, although I believe we should support our allies when necessary.
lustylad's Avatar
However, the US needs to get out of meddling in other countries' business - for the sad excuse of "National Security"
We got no business in Afghanistan, having troops in Europe, Korea, or the Middle East. Originally Posted by oeb11
Nonsense. You don't know your history.

Osama bin laden meddled when he murdered 3,000 of your fellow Americans on 9/11. We went to Afghanistan to destroy al-queda. Keeping that sorry country from ever again becoming a breeding ground for terrorist attacks on the US is every bit our business.

We put troops in Europe because Hitler declared war on the US on December 11, 1941. We kept them there afterwards because Stalin and his successors violated every post-WW2 agreement they signed and threatened to overrun the countries we had just liberated (at great cost) from fascism. Forming NATO and keeping troops in Europe was smart policy and it worked. We won the Cold War and were subsequently able to reduce our forces in Europe by 80-90%.

We didn't meddle in Korea. Kim Jong-un's grandfather meddled when he crossed the 49th Parallel and invaded the south on June 25, 1950.

And we never sent significant troops into the Middle East until Saddam Hussein meddled in Kuwait in August 1990. Desert Storm liberated Kuwait and kept the oil that is the lifeblood of the West flowing through the Strait of Hormuz.

We did the right thing in every one of those instances. You should be grateful for those Americans who served and made it all happen.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR - I agree with on that.

However, the US needs to get out of meddling in other countries' business - for the sad excuse of "National Security"
We got no business in Afghanistan, having troops in Europe,Korea, or the Middle East.

America is the greatest Meddler of all nations.
A favorite activity of Clinton and Obama.
Bring our troops home - and protect our Borders.

To hell with America being the world's Policeman! Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree with you.

Of course I’ve got to take issue with your shots at Obama and Clinton, when the US has intervened militarily and otherwise on a steady basis since WWII. Do the names Eisenhower and Bush ring a bell?
I agree with you.

Of course I’ve got to take issue with your shots at Obama and Clinton, when the US has intervened militarily and otherwise on a steady basis since WWII. Do the names Eisenhower and Bush ring a bell? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did someone mention having an open mind...YR never meet a socialist he didn't love!!
The left is all in a tisey because President Trump is dealing with some of the most despicable "Leaders" on the planet.

Ask your self. What else, short of a World War on the scale of WW-2 can he do.

Kim Jung Un is the best example. He's not going anywhere. Are you going to deal with him and accept him, or, as we have done in the past, treat him like a poriah, (which he is), and sit back and watch him become an even greater monster than he already is.
The left is all in a tisey because President Trump is dealing with some of the most despicable "Leaders" on the planet.

Ask your self. What else, short of a World War on the scale of WW-2 can he do.

Kim Jung Un is the best example. He's not going anywhere. Are you going to deal with him and accept him, or, as we have done in the past, treat him like a poriah, (which he is), and sit back and watch him become an even greater monster than he already is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
" Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer ". - Don Corleone
Hotrod511's Avatar
Nonsense. You don't know your history.

Osama bin laden meddled when he murdered 3,000 of your fellow Americans on 9/11. We went to Afghanistan to destroy al-queda. Keeping that sorry country from ever again becoming a breeding ground for terrorist attacks on the US is every bit our business.

We put troops in Europe because Hitler declared war on the US on December 11, 1941. We kept them there afterwards because Stalin and his successors violated every post-WW2 agreement they signed and threatened to overrun the countries we had just liberated (at great cost) from fascism. Forming NATO and keeping troops in Europe was smart policy and it worked. We won the Cold War and were subsequently able to reduce our forces in Europe by 80-90%.

We didn't meddle in Korea. Kim Jong-un's grandfather meddled when he crossed the 49th Parallel and invaded the south on June 25, 1950.

And we never sent significant troops into the Middle East until Saddam Hussein meddled in Kuwait in August 1990. Desert Storm liberated Kuwait and kept the oil that is the lifeblood of the West flowing through the Strait of Hormuz.

We did the right thing in every one of those instances. You should be grateful for those Americans who served and made it all happen. Originally Posted by lustylad
I guess Opy and YR would rather fight those wars on the the home front
Hotrod511's Avatar
I agree with you.

Of course I’ve got to take issue with your shots at Obama and Clinton, when the US has intervened militarily and otherwise on a steady basis since WWII. Do the names Eisenhower and Bush ring a bell? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Funny you bring up Eisenhower name! yes he sent a handful of Military adviser's to Vietnam but Kennedy and Johnson were the ones who escalated Vietnam, and Johnson didn't have the balls to see it though, that why he didn't run for re-election in 68, you should be thankful Nixon kept you from having to go
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Funny you bring up Eisenhower name! yes he sent a handful of Military adviser's to Vietnam but Kennedy and Johnson were the ones who escalated Vietnam, and Johnson didn't have the balls to see it though, that why he didn't run for re-election in 68, you should be thankful Nixon kept you from having to go Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Nixon was in office when I was drafted, inducted and reported for service.

For someone who claims to know so much about how I think and what I know, you’ve just exposed yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did someone mention having an open mind...YR never meet a socialist he didn't love!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Did you read the thread? And my post?

Maybe you meant this insult for a different thread?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Did you read the thread? And my post?

Maybe you meant this insult for a different thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

your stripes never change, do they? everything you don't agree with is an insult, isn't it Tony the Tiger?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
your stripes never change, do they? everything you don't agree with is an insult, isn't it Tony the Tiger?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Explain how the post in question wasn’t.

My name isn’t Tony the Tiger.

But I hear a lot of people say I’m pretty great! Very great.
Nixon was in office when I was drafted, inducted and reported for service.

For someone who claims to know so much about how I think and what I know, you’ve just exposed yourself. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Most people consider Johnson responsible for that war but I notice you are employing your usual sophistry by trying to throw off the responsibility to Tricky Dick.

Nevertheless, we should definitely not be the world's policeman unless we make a profit doing it, and we get significant individual compensation to those injured in the wars, and compensation for families who lost their children.

I'm with OEB and against the DPST's.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Nixon was in office when I was drafted, inducted and reported for service.

For someone who claims to know so much about how I think and what I know, you’ve just exposed yourself. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Exposed myself to what sparky? do tell