Faith carter returns

skidfin's Avatar
Any new thoughts since her return to service?
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Would love to know also. She used to be a regular of mine a few years ago. Always classy and always a great time.
lilylivered's Avatar
I saw her when she still had her cast on.
I had a good time.
Never saw her before, so I cant compare.
Yes she is classy
Saw her within the last couple of months. Biggest disappointment in this hobby. Pics were real, the service was passable, but absolutely not at all what was expected. I know a lot of folks like her, she’s just not for me. Still had the leg brace but it came off for the session.
Have seen Faith many times. Recently and in the past. She NEVER disappoints. Wish there were more like her.
Any link to her ad?
skidfin's Avatar
I think she’s p411 only and twitter
She used to include my area in her travels.

Have seen Faith many times. Recently and in the past. She NEVER disappoints. Wish there were more like her. Originally Posted by BfloEd
So then I assume it's safe to say you are not "Oh, ye of little Faith"?
ben dover's Avatar
Saw her within the last couple of months. Biggest disappointment in this hobby. Pics were real, the service was passable, but absolutely not at all what was expected. I know a lot of folks like her, she’s just not for me. Still had the leg brace but it came off for the session. Originally Posted by Max3pc
Why no review of her?
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Anyone have a link to her Twitter?

With a name like "Faith Carter" Im picturing a hometown country/gospel singer type of gal. I suspect she really isnt though.
lilylivered's Avatar
Faith is great. Been seeing her for over a decade. I did a review last month under Albany.
buffalomw10's Avatar
I would have an opinion but she cancelled last minute on me when I tried to see her a couple years ago. Never tried to see her again so I guess I got nothing.
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
Are we talking about Rochester Faith? The one that used to have little dogs?
Willie Wanker's Avatar Originally Posted by lilylivered