couples doing live shows

Audreyg's Avatar
Has this ever been a thing in NOLA? I'm curious if anyone else is doing it, and where they advertise!
  • RK2
  • 02-03-2022, 10:51 AM
Too funny, I was going to suggest looking you up until I realized it was you posting.
Audreyg's Avatar
Haha, well it’s useful to know that you thought of me. Thank you !
... nothing comes to mind, even though it seems that someone has offered this in the past. To me, this issue relates to the thread that Nikki Tylor started recently about how we feel about Providers who are married or in relationships. Seems to be something that could attract you to some clients and turn other clients off. Hope it works out well for you.

Anyway, thank you Audrey for trying to start a meaningful discussion to help give this board some relevance. Back when the rules changed to prohibit ads from Providers, I hoped that it might have a positive affect in the long run by encouraging Providers to contribute to discussions as the alternative - since what is advertising other than a process to show you are available?
turbo-dog's Avatar
I’d be interested in seeing live shows. Maybe advertise on STG?
I'd definitely watch if it was you!
Has this ever been a thing in NOLA?: Originally Posted by Audreyg
It isn’t a thing anywhere outside of an extremely, extremely small niche.
It isn’t a thing anywhere outside of an extremely, extremely small niche. Originally Posted by Joe Blows
Isn't that what goes on at Collette
? Never been, but heard it's a swinger place where this is the standard.
Isn't that what goes on at Collette
? Never been, but heard it's a swinger place where this is the standard. Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses
I haven’t been either but I believe guys that go there solo are there hoping to get in on the action. Certainly some guys get off on just watching other people have sex and some like to see there SO have sex with someone else. I just have to think the percentage of guys willing to pay a regular encounter rate to watch a girl have sex with her own boyfriend is pretty low.
Raindog115's Avatar
Audrey is or was a provider so maybe one can participate in the session to an extent. Audrey looks like a treat but I have less than zero interest in getting close to some hairy naked dude.
Try it out as a niche Audrey or offer it privately as a trial. There’s a demand for everything.
Audreyg's Avatar
Try it out as a niche Audrey or offer it privately as a trial. There’s a demand for everything. Originally Posted by rotoyo
Thanks! I am trying it out. I've been stumped on where to advertise as a lot of sites only allow women to put up ads.
  • RK2
  • 02-21-2022, 09:01 PM
I have seen your "double" ad on tryst, seems it would work there I guess, I mean, I saw it. Just dont know that that is what I am into if you know what I mean.
Maybe an introductory special, lol. Seriously I don't know of any monger that has ever talked about that at least with me. May be a very small client base.
Thanks! I am trying it out. I've been stumped on where to advertise as a lot of sites only allow women to put up ads. Originally Posted by Audreyg
gimme_that's Avatar
I’m not gonna lie. During Covid I was into paying to watch people have sex if I had creative control over what they could do activity wise on a live feed on camera. For the most part the guys could not perform. Don’t know if it’s stage fright or if they have engaged so much that those natural tendencies aren’t as apparent when someone else is watching.

As far as in person. I definitely wouldn’t want to engage in conjunction with the guy at all. But I might have another pre booked date and maybe just to have the allure and fantasy of a mini orgy (although not really persay)…….booking a hotel suite that had more than one bed or room so I could voyeur but also engage in sex with another person while the paid couple is engaging. That’s a strong maybe though.

I’m not brazen enough to go to a club in public as that is a bit beyond my comfort level and sexual threshold. But a mini pseudo orgy although not quite) in private I could see myself open too. If the price was semi appropriate since I wasn’t performing or engaging in sex with the lady.

One other thing to take note of. If we see your natural partner and the type of guy that intrigues you to that comfort, how he looks, how healthy he appears, and how he performs affects your brand. I don’t want to see a lazy lay with the lady not actively engaged, or the guy performing coasting and not trying things. If he isn’t doing or engaging in similar things I would or even more to a degree…….the allure would be lost for me.

I’d also be expecting a very open menu for the participants in person if they are in fact a real couple. That would be the allure for me if I was paying for that.
Opticaldelusion's Avatar
I saw another couple post an ad for an audience on Tryst before so it is a thing. When some of the swingcons are in town that is when you may see it. I guess why go to collette if you can find someone willing to pay to watch and cover your hotel room. I guess the ad part of it would rule out the LS sites like Kassadie and Fet Life