Advice on Visiting!

Guys and girls what is some of the best advice you guys can give me on visiting there. The dos and donts, best places to stay. All is helpful and welcomed. Just send me a PM.
Madame X's Avatar
I visit Chicago sometimes. I have to stay in the tourist district for my own reasons, but there are some nice hotels that I've used for pleasure just a short walk off the main drag that were very stylish yet private and reasonable on the wallet. If you get bored and like burlesque shows, there are a number of theaters showing boobies in the area, and the cab drivers generally know where all of them are. Eat lots of food - don't bother with Trump's place, because Ralph Lauren has the best veal ever Tru is still my all around favorite, though. Have fun!

~Mme X~
He girl thank you so much for the advice and suggestions. I have never been to Chicago so I do want to have a good time of course.