Where all the eccie men at?

mirandalee's Avatar
Hi there im visiting Chicago soon, and noticed this site is slow in Chicago maybe when I get there a miricle will happen lol. Im excited to visit a whole new big city and meet new people.
Anyone know what is a good stripclub to go too?

Mirandalee 813-420-5228

See you soon Chicago!!!
Monday 1/23/12
Eccie is still catching on in Chicago, but there are a couple of dedicated users and hopefully we will see more providers, like yourself, posting here. FYI.....all strip clubs in Chicago suck!
Greetings from a Texas native!

Yes...the Chicago section is very slow...and I've been working so much, I don't have time to do anything!

How long will you be in the Chicago area?
Citori's Avatar
I'm a frequent traveler to Chicago. I consider it my home town on the road, but I rarely have any adventures here.

Truthfully 100% of my attempts in Chicago or the Burbs has been a disappointment, so I tend to save my funds for other more accommodating cities.

One of the challenges for this and many other cities is knowing where you are in relationship to the local terms. I look at Ads here and on other sites and can't make heads or tails of where the lines are drawn.
last call's Avatar
Truthfully 100% of my attempts in Chicago or the Burbs has been a disappointment, so I tend to save my funds for other more accommodating cities. Originally Posted by Citori

How can that be? There are lots of highly skilled providers in Chicago, and there are tons of happy hobbyists here too. I live in the burbs now, but also hobby in the city. RS2K is a great help in this town. One of the world's greatest escorts has her home base in Chicago...Bebedoll.
  • GBN94
  • 03-16-2012, 04:32 PM
How can that be? There are lots of highly skilled providers in Chicago, and there are tons of happy hobbyists here too. I live in the burbs now, but also hobby in the city. RS2K is a great help in this town. One of the world's greatest escorts has her home base in Chicago...Bebedoll. Originally Posted by last call
It depends what your frame of reference is.
Here you tend to pay a higher rate for a more limited service than most cities in the South which is where the majority of this board's members come from. We pay more than even New Yorkers if you adjust rates to account for the cost of living.

So while I wouldn't say every experience in Chicago will be a disappointment I do think its far less hobby friendly than other cities. I can see how if you've only seen providers here you'd think the scene is fine but if you're coming out of TX then Chicago is going to be a buzz kill.
Citori's Avatar
Maybe I need to invest in RS2K for my chicago trips.
derek303's Avatar
I use p411 when I travel there once a month. Chicao is 200.00 an hour more expensive than TX.
It can be slow here in the Chicago section but they guys are great! Everyone is really cool and friendly!

Hopefully things get moving more here. There are soo many of us girls here in Chicago that are reviewed and honest so I am not sure why anyone would have a hard time finding what they like here in Chicago.