Trump's Tower of Fraud

For all those people who don't think Trump has any baggage, read this!

Trump Entertainment Resorts, more than a billion in debt, four different bankruptcies. Trump Taj Mahal, cost a billion, wrecked by debt. Trump Club Panama, units lost half their value, Trump borrowed bond money, payments were missed, bonds got downgraded. And then Trump stole money out of the pockets of a lot of Average Joe investors. Two golf courses in Europe, lost money and trashed a natural habitat along the way. Trump Waikiki, sold units for $700 million total, and somehow the units ended up empty. Trump International Las Vegas, Trump was caught union-busting and slapped down by the NLRB but he’s still screwing workers. Many times Trump’s partners, horrified at the incompetence and sheer theft, wanted to get rid of him.

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The dailykos? Really?

Run out of legitimate sources, eh?