advice appreciated

Went to San Antonio men's club Recently saw a dancer I have seen twice before only had a total of three dances between both of those trips never payed for her time(as instructed by y'all after first trip to mens club with different dancer) and only bought her one drink the third visit so I have spent a total of $72 which includes the drink on her. We had exchanged numbers after second encounter, nothing significant has happened whatsoever just short texts occasionally "hi what have you been doing" etc etc, then today she surprised me when she called me wanting to go to a movie with me or go eat sometime. She did request that wherever we go that it's not a bar or club. She's 28 I'm 32 she's been dancing 7years I haven't even been to a strip club 7 times, I don't think she's trying to scam me but would like to hear other opinions and know if anybody thinks I'm getting into a dangerous situation.
SpursFan's Avatar

Do the movie and the meal thing and see where it may lead.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I don't think that she is trying to scam you. Someone may actually like you for who you are. If she IS working an angle, it will become apparent really soon.

Just keep in mind that if you are paying for her rent within a months time, she is working you.
blasian1246's Avatar
I use to frequent the sc a lot, and many times ive seen dancers otc. They always wanted to chill or go to another sc, movies, dinners, etc. The good thing about it was they werent out to scam me, and we had lots of fun afterwards without it costing anything!
Drtry2's Avatar
Id do it...its the middle of the month so rent is not due which lessens the chance of a hustle.
What was the point in giving her your number? There are 2 kinds of dancers who text me - those who want something or those who just want to chill with someone familiar they can feel comfortable around.
Thanks for the advice.
shoot be glad she's not just using you! Pay this bill, pay that! lol good luck hun
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
I don't think that she is trying to scam you. Someone may actually like you for who you are. If she IS working an angle, it will become apparent really soon.

Just keep in mind that if you are paying for her rent within a months time, she is working you. Originally Posted by JJ

This is spot on. No it's not "dangerious". Go out with her. You never know until you explore it (and if you don't I can tell you will anguish over it).

Just don't get all emotionally attached to her too soon. That's the only way you can get hurt. Like JJ said, hang out with her and in a short period of time you will get an idea of what it it that she is interested in. Even if she does want it to be a semi-working friendship and want's to be paid for a lap dance but then also wants to hang out... Heck, I'd still call that a win - your own Private Stipper... Hell Yeah! I just wouldn't want a blatant, vampiric, bloodsucker.

Now if she is genuinely interested in a straight-up, BF-GF relationship to round out her life. Just make sure you can accept her for who she is. Lots of guys are fine going in, but rapidly get jealous and try to get her to quit being a dancer... Which only leads to heartache. She wants to add you to her life, not bring you in to up-end and destroy it (unless of course she is looking to leave it and thinks a BF will help)

Best Wishes! Let us know what happens. Real-life is so much more interesting than TV. Ha ha... was related to me in a conversation with a very well-known companion not too long ago, ".....isn't it amazing Dennis that some guys never realize this is just all a hustle??.."
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Take her up on her offer. A movir or dinner, it is a good cheap way to get to know her.

On the other hand, be alert and think with your big head. Be slightly paranoid, watch you wallet and valuables. Don't share to much personal information.

Usually, if it is too good to be true....... but there are some exceptions in life.