National Taco Day (Taco Tuesday)

TryWeakly's Avatar
I love me some tacos....

One nice thing living in a border state is the seemingly endless supply of Latin Anerican tacos.

Personally, I like them without all the "trimnings" ... as it were.

In my book, tacos rank just slightly higher than a properly prepared sammich...
Love some Tacos. I had three from Taco Bell!
latinluvr465's Avatar
I love a nice hairless taco.
RRaider's Avatar
I can eat tacos for every meal, every day. Morning, daytime, late night I’d rather have a taco than anything else.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-05-2022, 09:39 AM
anyone ever had a taco sammich tho..
  • pxmcc
  • 10-06-2022, 01:19 PM
I can eat tacos for every meal, every day. Morning, daytime, late night I’d rather have a taco than anything else. Originally Posted by RRaider
man cannot live on tacos alone..

or can he?