The GILF Anneke

Who misses Anneke VanBuren?
Wish she would visit
I think she only visit in the summer time now. I think she lives most of the year in FL.
I always liked Anneke. Still do!

She’s really active on Twitter
I do! Saw her in both places locally over the years, but haven’t since she went 100% Floridian. The good news? I have a work trip coming up the end of April to……drumroll please…….north Tampa!
Can you see that smile? Well, can ya?
If you search see has alot of sex videos on different sites
How old is she these days? early 70's?
Any links?
Still looking fabulous
She used to literally be my neighbor when I first moved to Saratoga 11 years ago. A buddy of mine tipped me that she was a pornstar, I got the courage to ask her about it and she confirmed it in more ways than one. Not my cup of tea but she knew her way around.
in this industry I know she has her clients but in this industry where the guys are 40 plus mainly 50 60s I think they would rather bang 20 year old 99 out 100 times... we always want what we get can't get... younger guys want older women and older guys want younger want a record breaker and line out the door have a girl advertise with her id turning 18 tomorrow ready for action lol....