Who's Here?

John Bull's Avatar
I just went thru the Showcase for San Diego a bunch of times recently. The thing that jumped out at me was that most of the women who claim to be from and living in San Diego are actually living and working in Texas.
So, the question is this: How in the hell can you expect to make any money in San Diego when you can't accept a date because it's to damned far from Austin Texas and why do you keep advertising that you're in SD?
Maybe I'm not reading this correctly so why don't some of you ladies come out in the open and tell us why you live in Texas and all your reviews are in Texas but you have a Showcase that says you're living in SD.
BTW - if any of you ladies actually live and work in SD, let us know. It might actually be a bonanza for you.

I am based in San Diego and am here daily.
I only visit with one friend per day however.

I am hoping to get the board more active here.
Thanks for your post, it will help, every drop in the bucket assists in filling it up!

Be well,